Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) 30 September 2012 at Watsonville Slough, Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA Photos © 2012 Joseph Morlan

Mega-raritity believed to be a Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) but the bottom photo appears to show extensive barring on the lower back and rump suggesting the possibility of Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus optatus). However other photos above appear to show an unmarked lower back and rump. The white nape mark and white dorsal barring age this as an immature. Apparently immatures of both species can have dark and white bars on the lower back and rump. Further research is needed.

Found 28 September 2012 by Lois Goldfrank and Steve Gerow. Studied and photographed by many.

Digiscoped with Panasonic DMC-LX5 | Nikon FieldScope III | 30XWA | hand-held (no adapter).
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