Spring Birding Classes

This schedule is Final.

Evening bird classes taught by Joe Morlan and endorsed by Golden Gate Audubon Society will be starting January 31 and February 1, 2017. All classes meet 7-9:15 p.m. in room 218 317 (note room change) at City College of San Francisco, John Adams Center. Free parking is in the school lot adjacent to the building at 1860 Hayes Street. If the lot is full, additional parking may be available. See class calendars for details.

The instructor is coauthor of "Birds of San Francisco and the Bay Area" and "Birds of Northern California." He is also coordinator of the recorded "Northern California Birdbox," past chair of the California Bird Records Committee, and winner of the 2010 Ludlow Griscom Award for contributions to regional ornithology. Slides illustrate all lectures, and the text for all classes is "A Field Guide to Birds of North America," sixth edition, by the National Geographic Society. "The Sibley Guide to Birds" is recommended as an adjunct text for both classes. Ornithology I will not be offered this semester.

The instructor may arrange optional field trips on weekends. Please bring binoculars and field guides to class if you have them. Fees are $275 for each twelve week class but there is a $15 discount for each class if you pre-register at least a week early. For further information call (415) 561-1860. You can register online or mail or fax this registration form.

For additional information see the official City College Continuing Education site. Schedule and details for Fall 2017 are available here.
