Summary of "The Big Melt"

Anna Mills, Instructor
Summary Paper
Your assignment is to summarize the chapter “The big melt” in The Rough Guide to Climate Change

Due Dates:        Rough Draft: Thursday, February 21                   Final Draft: Tuesday, February 26

Checklist: Submit a folder with all of the following:

  • Blank grade sheet
  • Cover letter (see cover letter handout)
  • Final draft
  • Rough draft with in-class comments or a stamp from a Writing Lab session if you were absent or had no draft on peer review day
  • Outline

Requirements/Grading Criteria:

  • Accurate representation of the ideas in the chapter.
  • Completeness. Coverage of the important points in the chapter, including the main ideas of each of the subsections.  The suggested minimum to cover all the points is two pages.
  • Conciseness. The summary paper must be a maximum of three pages, double-spaced in twelve-point font.
  • Focused paragraphs. Each paragraph should have one topic sentence with related sub-points.
  • A variety of transition words used to show the relationships between paragraphs and also between ideas within paragraphs.
  • An introduction that mentions the author and title of the chapter summarized and includes a thesis which summarizes the chapter in one sentence.
  • Your best Standard English, including grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and word choice.
  • Of course, no plagiarism.  No four words in a row should be the same as in the book.


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Last updated: 02/15/2008