Chapters 10 and 11 Discussion Questions

1. What words and things and ideas do you associate with "green"? Write a list of at least ten items and then reflect on where your associations fall in relation to Friedman's lists on page 213.

2. Why does Friedman say, "If climate change is a hoax, it is the most wonderful hoax ever perpetrated on the United States of America" (214)?

3. What does Friedman mean by "systemic thinking" (225)? Can you come up with an example of a systemic approach to a problem in society today?

4. Does Friedman think we should consume less? How much of a change in our lifestyles is he proposing on pages 237-238? Is it possible to have growth and conservation at the same time?

5. What might some of the authors of the books listed on page 249 argue in response to Friedman's critique of the idea of "easy ways to save the earth"?

6. Take another look at the "wedges" proposed by Pacala and Socolow, as summarized on page 259. Which, if any, seem feasible?

7. Make up a question of your own based on these chapters.


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