English 96 Final Exam Topics


For the final exam essay, you can choose to focus on logos, pathos, or ethos in The Legacy of Luna.  You can also choose to describe her use of all three, as you did with Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth for the midterm.

In your essay, I ask you to analyze how Julia Butterfly Hill uses the rhetorical technique you choose.  How does she intend to affect the reader with logos, pathos, or ethos?  How successful is her appeal for you?  You’ll be required to mention at least one possible criticism of her approach and explain whether you agree or disagree with this criticism.

You’ll need a thesis, topic sentences, introduction, and conclusion.  There is no minimum or maximum length requirement.  You can bring an outline and notes to the exam, but as before, no draft and no notes with two sentences or more together that also appear in your final essay.

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Last updated: 05/07/2008