Discussion Questions

How much support by example, definition, and/or comparison does Kolbert use in these first 90 pages of the book?  Assign percents to how much she uses these.  In which situations does she use each?  Should she adjust the proportions?

Kolbert establishes a pattern of introducing new sub-topics related to global warming and giving us information about them that builds toward a point she wants to make about the nature of global warming. Look at how she structures these sections: do you see any patterns?  Any repeated rhetorical moves?  What is her strategy? 

Kolberts says she is writing for everyone, but she is writing in a particular magazine with a particular readership. What can we tell about her sense of the tastes and sensibility of her audience from the way she writes?  How does she play to this audience in her tone, style, and approach?

Rhetoric discusses indefinite subjects and the ways in which words like “some,” “many,” and “few” can be used to qualify definition arguments. See 141-143.  Find a few examples of Kolbert’s use of indefinite subjects and decide why she chose the qualifiers she did.

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Last updated: 02/04/2009