Proposal Paper Ideas

Places to browse for interesting environmental topics:

Here are a few possible broad areas of interest as you seek to define a focused topic for your solutions papers. Almost all of these are too broad as described below! As you learn more about any of these, you will need to narrow down your paper topic to a more specific proposal.

*Efforts to get children more engaged with nature (See the book Last Child in the Woods)

*Obama's policy on climate change  

*The next step after the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012

*AB 32 legislation on global warming in California

*A local city effort to combat global warming

*One nonprofit organization’s efforts with regard to global warming

*Race, poverty, and the Green Jobs proposal put forward by Van Jones

*Market solutions such as Cap and Trade plans

*Proposals to support clean development in China or India

*Carbon offsets

*The local food movement, farmer's markets, and climate change

*Reducing beef consumption as a solution to climate change

*Solar power

*Geothermal energy

*Carbon sequestration technology

*Clean coal technology

*The debate over nuclear energy

*Fuel efficiency or hybrid vehicles

*Gasoline alternatives such as biodiesel or ethanol

*Energy efficiency in the home

*Energy efficiency in architecture

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Last updated: 03/12/2012