Telling a Folktale, by Ana Wu
Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos.
~ I Ching
Day 1: Students practice the use of there is/are/was/were (Grammar in Context).
Day 2:
- Ask students to tell folktales from their countries.
- Students listen to and read folktales at:
(Korean and worldwide folktales) and at
(Japanese folktales).
Day 3: Students type a folktale from their countries. Teacher checks first draft.
Day 4 and 5 : Students edit their stories and submit second and third (or fourth) drafts.
Day 6: Students insert table and clipart.
Day 7: Students read each others' stories and type positive comments.
Click on students' names to view their stories
"The story is interesting and short. It is easy for everybody to get the main idea. "The Fox and the Crow
"There are many good pictures. You just look at the pictures and you can think what happened in the story." Chings Khan
"This is a perfect story with beautiful pictures." A Greedy Raven
"This is like international Cinderella. I liked it." Bran and Broken Rice
"I can learn English from this story. Everybody should read it." The Jaguar and the Bird
"The story is very long. You must work very hard to write this story." The Greedy Couple
"This story shows me how stupid a man can be. I learned a lesson too. Don't be arrogant." A Man and a Boat with a Mark
"This is a good story with children and people. Don't be a liar." Children Don't Lie
" Its contents is a teaching idea of patience. And it is like a Vietnamese story." The Turtle and the Rabbit

with Luis Palomar