image of a Chinese scholar's study ART 118 COURSE POLICIES

Course Requirements

  1. Reading assignments in the textbooks
  2. Articles and other materials accessed through links in the course
  3. Discussion forums
  4. Periodic quizzes
  5. Descriptive analysis paper (3-5 pages)
  6. Research paper (7-10 pages) or Honors paper (15-20 pages)


20% (100 points) Descriptive Analysis Paper
20% (100 points) Research or Honors Paper
40% (200 points) Quizzes and Assignments
20% (100 points) Discussion Forums
A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=59% or less

Grading is Letter Grade Only

How to Complete this Course Successfully

Successful completion of this course is a matter of regular participation. If you do the assigned reading, diligently prepare the writing assignments, and fully participate in the class, I am certain this experience will be a rewarding one, and you can successfully complete the course and earn 3 college units of credit. If you need clarification on the assignments, or experience any difficulties with the course material, please contact me.

Scheduling: A major advantage of the online course format is the flexibility it affords in scheduling. A helpful strategy for managing your course reading and assignments is to set aside specific hours each week as your "Art 118 time." Expect the reading for the course to take three hours a week, while writing tasks and assignments will take a minimum of another three hours. Your class participation score will be based on the frequency and quality of your participation in the threaded discussions, as well as the timeliness with which you submit written work. Not participating regularly in the course will lower your final grade and may result in dismissal.

Late Work: The deadline for submitting papers on time is indicated on the course schedule. Papers are considered late if they are submitted after midnight Sunday (PST or PDT) of that week. I will accept all papers up to one week late, but the paper's score will be lowered one full grade. No exceptions will be made to this policy except in cases of serious medical emergency. No late assignments will be accepted after the last day of the semester.

Participation: Students will be required to log in to the course and participate in the discussion forums. These discussions will be monitored to ensure that students are keeping up with the required discussion time and actively contribute to the forums. Discussions will remain open through the end of the semester. I will drop or withdraw any student who does not login and actively participate for any period exceeding two weeks. Please notify me in advance, if possible, about any issues that prevent your active participation in class.

General Guidelines and Procedures

  1. Submit all work on time.
  2. Post in the discussions each week. All posts should be:
    a. Knowledgeable, Thorough, and Thoughtful: Demonstrate knowledge of the week’s topic.

b. Of the required length and detail.
c. Spell-checked: Check your spelling!
d. Appropriate and Respectful: The moderator (the instructor) will monitor this very carefully.


Drops and Withdrawals

Upon entering City College of San Francisco, you assume the responsibility of completing each course in which you are registered. If you decide to drop or withdraw from the course you are responsible for officially withdrawing before the deadline dates and notifying the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to automatically drop/withdraw any student who fails to submit assignments and does not notify the instructor.

CCSF disclaimer page
Last updated: 01/06/2014