Professor of Economics and Statistics

Social Sciences


415 239-3374
 Office Batmale 622
 Mailbox L148
 Address 50 Phelan Avenue, L128
San Francisco, CA 94112
 Office Hours

Monday 9 am- 10 am
Wed/ Fr 9 am- 10 am

Tr/TH 9:30 -10 am

SCHEDULE  for Fall 2010
Course Days From To Room
Eco 1 online . .
eco 3 M, W, FR 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 187AX

Eco 3

M, W, Fr 11 00 a.m. .12:00 p.m.

art 187

Microeconomics T-TR 12. 1:00 p.m. Art187

Education and Biography

1993 – 1995 Fullbright Postdoctoral Scholar, UC Berkeley, Economic Department Ph.D. in Economics, University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne, France Advanced Diploma of Studies in Economics and Planning, University of Paris Sorbonne, France Master of Sciences in Economics, University of Dakar, Senegal Bachelor of Sciences in Economics, University of Dakar, Senegal

Prof. Gueye has been teaching at CCSF since 2005. But experiences in teaching microeconomics, macroeconomics, statistics, and econometrics both at the undergraduate level and graduate level in Paris, Senegal and the United states extend beyond a decade. Being awarded a Fulbright scholarship led me to live and work in California, at the University of Berkeley as a Research Associate conducting research on capital mobility, international macroeconomics, balance of payments, convergence of monetary and fiscal policies within a monetary union. I travel frequently throughout Europe and Africa. It's fascinating and exciting to be able to compare and contrast different cultures. I hope I will share some of these experiences with you in the classroom.
Complete Biography


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Last updated: 08/20/2010