# This is a sample peer review file. # Lines that start with a hash (#) are comments. # Reviews are a pair consisting of an anonymized file code and your remarks. # Each review only occupies one line; do not use any carriage returns! # Order the reviews from MOST to LEAST clear and correct. r9 This program is clear and complete. I couldn't see a single problem with it, and all the names it uses make sense. t7 This program had a very nice structure and comments but I found its output confusing with so little whitespace between all the terms. If you reformat the output this will be top-notch. g5 I like this version because it is so short and clear. However, the code is so dense that I really think more comments are called for. cv The program works fine. The code defines a lot of objects with names that are difficult for me to understand. The whole thing can be refined and it will end up much shorter. 4f It works as long as the argument is passed, but when I skip that, it barfs with a DivisionByZeroError at line 46. s3 This program always throws errors ValueErrors at line 33, where it expects a float, but the input is really a string. Should be an easy fix. ck N/A. The program sent doesn't seem relevant to the assignment.