#include using namespace std ; int main() { int x1 = 100 ; int x2 = 200 ; //Create two pointers "ptr1" and "ptr2" //that point to an integer. //Assign the address of x1 to ptr1 // Assign the value of ptr1 ( the address not what it points to to ptr2 ) //Print the contents of x1 x2 and what ptr1 ptr2 point to cout << "x1: " << x1 << " x2: " << x2 << " *ptr1:" << *ptr1 << " *ptr2:" << *ptr2 << endl ; //Assign the address of x2 to ptr1 //Increment the values pointed to by ptr1 and ptr2 //by using the addresses at ptr1 and ptr2 //Print the contents of x1 x2 and what ptr1 ptr2 point to cout << "x1: " << x1 << " x2: " << x2 << " *ptr1:" << *ptr1 << " *ptr2:" << *ptr2 << endl ; }