Contract for Philosophy 12A


 This contract is fashioned after a contract used by Prof. Richard Paul, Director of the Center for Critical Thinking at Sonoma State University. 


In contrast to Prof. Paul's, you will not be required to sign and submit this contract.  Rather, continuing to attend classes after the first class meeting you attend constitutes your acknowledgement that, without exception, you understand, agree to, and will work in a manner consistent with the provisions of this contract, as well as with the course requirements [which you should now have; available upon request], and other course criteria and procedures as they are presented. 



1.    I accept sole responsibility for my own success or failure, and for monitoring my own learning and performance.


2.    I understand that the textbook and course reader are required, and must be obtained within the first week of class.


3.    I understand that this is a four-unit, five class-hour course, demanding almost twice the work of the normal three-unit college course, that this is a university-credit class, and that the course will be correspondingly more difficult than a normal course in terms of, for example, the amount of material covered, the number of hours of study required, the number of tests and homework assignments, etc.  As one example...


4.    I understand that in a five class-hour course, ten hours of homework constitutes the appropriate and expected commitment to weekly out-of-class work, and, further, that if I have particular difficulties with any materials covered, I may need to make a larger time commitment; I will make the necessary time arrangements in advance.


5.    I understand that for every class week I will have a written homework assignment due.  It will be graded on a full-credit basis only if it is turned in by the due date.  If it is turned in by the next class meeting, it will be graded on a half-credit basis.  No homework submitted after that time will receive any points, though it will be read and commented upon.


6.   I understand that any work whatever which is submitted for credit – including tests, homework, and any other work submitted for a grade – is to be exclusively and without exception or qualification solely my own work; no sharing, no copying, no plagiarism – no exceptions.


7.   I understand that any form or degree whatever of cheating or plagiarism will be regarded as an attempt to steal from the class community as a whole and as a fundamental violation of the course contract and requirements as a whole, and will begin a process designed to end in my documented removal from the class.


8.    I understand that the class will focus on practice, not on lecture, and that I will be called upon – as well as expected to volunteer -- to demonstrate my work in class, and to participate in other ways.


9.    I understand that I am responsible for taking an active part in advancing the success of the class community as a whole, and of any groups to which I am assigned.   If for any reason listed in this contract or any other reason, I am unable to do so, I may be asked to leave that class meeting.  If for any reason I constitute a distraction from the advancement of the class – for example, with excessive conversation with neighbors during the presentation or discussing of course material – I should expect to be asked to leave that class meeting.


10. I understand that the work of the course requires consistent classroom attendance and active, skilled participation based upon appropriate preparation for the currently assigned material.


11. I understand that if I have questions or problems, which may delay the class, I will be expected to address those questions, problems, etc., at office hours and other appropriate times.


12. I understand that if the assignment for the day is not completed, then I am not prepared to do the in-class work of the day, and will slow the class unjustifiably.


13. I understand that tardiness and/or leaving a class meeting before its completion constitutes attendance problems, which will effect my performance, and so, the quality of my participation.


14.  I understand that if I miss a test or quiz, the test or quiz must be made up within one week at a time convenient for the instructor, that I must take the responsibility for making such arrangements, and that I will receive a different [and possibly more difficult] test than the original.


15.  I understand that the class will not be graded on a curve. I understand that it is theoretically possible for the whole class to get A’s or F’s.


16.    I understand the basis of the final grade as follows:


Quizzes and Tests: 65% of final grade; Tests = 50 points each, Quizzes = 25 points each

Homework: 25% of final grade

Active, Skilled Participation: 10% of final grade


Penalty for Attendance Problems: Participation grade will be reduced; also, after a total of two weeks’ classes worth of absences or other attendance problems, the instructor can drop me at any time, and will consider doing so.


17.    I understand that the final grade is based solely on points earned, and is mathematically calculated. No other criteria -- such as the specific amount of effort or time invested, personal or other difficulties, or reasons of need to pass the course -- will be used in determining a final grade.


18.    I understand that a form for calculating my current grade at any time during the semester is available in the Course Reader, and that I am responsible for keeping track of my own points, current performance/grade averages, etc. , at all times during the semester.


19.    I understand that numerous additional resources for my success in the class -- including the instructor’s office hours, (normally) a tutor on campus at days and times to be announced, computer software, etc. -- are available to me if I should choose to use them.


20.    I understand that at least one office visit with the instructor during the middle eight weeks of the semester is very strongly recommended.


21.    I understand that, if possible, a weekly tutorial period facilitated by a qualified teaching assistant or tutor will be made available, and that my attendance is optional.


22.    I understand that the teaching assistant or tutor will neither assign nor suggest grades relating to any element of the course for any student.


23.    I understand that if I am unclear about any aspect of this course, its requirements, assignments, grading procedures, etc., I am responsible for obtaining the needed clarification.


24.    I understand the standards in this course and I accept the sole responsibility for my own success or failure, and for continually monitoring my own learning and performance.