/* Craig Persiko
   CS 111A GradeInput sample program
   Outputs student and grade data to a file
   in formatted report format.

import java.io.*;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class GradeInput
  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    String name;
    double grade;
    PrintWriter fileOut = new PrintWriter("grades.txt");
    fileOut.println("Name                        Grade");

      System.out.println("Please enter a student's name, or hit Enter to exit");
      name = scan.nextLine();
      System.out.println("Please enter the test grade: ");
      grade = scan.nextDouble();

      // output to the file:

        // the name left-justified, in a field of 20 characters

        // followed by the grade right-justified in a field of 12 characters,

        // with 2 digits after the decimal point

      fileOut.printf("%-20s %12.2f\n", name, grade);
    }while(name.length() != 0); // we really break out of the loop above. Zero length = ""

    System.out.println("Grade report saved to grades.txt");


/* Sample Output:

-bash-3.2$ java GradeInput
Please enter a student's name, or hit Enter to exit
Craig Persiko
Please enter the test grade:
Please enter a student's name, or hit Enter to exit
Lin Chan
Please enter the test grade:
Please enter a student's name, or hit Enter to exit
Elena Sanchez
Please enter the test grade:
Please enter a student's name, or hit Enter to exit
John Smith
Please enter the test grade:
Please enter a student's name, or hit Enter to exit

Grade report saved to grades.txt
-bash-3.2$ cat grades.txt
Name                        Grade
Craig Persiko               95.67
Lin Chan                    95.00
Elena Sanchez              100.50
John Smith                   2.00


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