// Solution to CS 111A in-class exercise 6 by Tony Huang

import java.util.Scanner;

public class JaggedAverage
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
    int numCourses, numTests;
    double[][] testScores;
    double [] sumArray;
    double highScore;
    System.out.print("How many courses are you taking? ");
    numCourses = s.nextInt();
    testScores = new double[numCourses][]; // allocate an array of references to 1-D arrays (rows)
    sumArray = new double[numCourses];// -Edit-

    for(int i = 0; i < numCourses; i++)
      System.out.print("How many tests are in course number " 
                       + (i+1) + "? ");
      numTests = s.nextInt();
      testScores[i] = new double[numTests];  // allocate this row: a 1-D array of doubles
    for(int courseId=0; courseId < testScores.length; courseId++)
      for(int testId=0; testId < testScores[courseId].length; testId++)
          System.out.print("What was your grade on test " 
                           + (testId+1) + " for course "
                           + (courseId+1) + "? ");
          testScores[courseId][testId] = s.nextDouble();
          sumArray[courseId] += testScores[courseId][testId]; // -Edit-
    for(int count = 0; count < testScores.length; count++) //-Edit-
      sumArray[count] = (sumArray[count])/(testScores[count].length);
    highScore = 0; // -Edit-
    for(int sumCountIndex = 0; sumCountIndex < testScores.length; sumCountIndex++)// -Edit-
      System.out.println("The average for course " + (sumCountIndex+1) + " is " + sumArray[sumCountIndex]);// -Edit-
      if(highScore < sumArray[sumCountIndex])
        highScore = sumArray[sumCountIndex];
    System.out.println("The highest average score is " + highScore);// -Edit-

/* Sample Output:
How many courses are you taking?  2
How many tests are in course number 1?  4
How many tests are in course number 2?  3
What was your grade on test 1 for course 1?  10
What was your grade on test 2 for course 1?  20
What was your grade on test 3 for course 1?  30
What was your grade on test 4 for course 1?  40
What was your grade on test 1 for course 2?  90
What was your grade on test 2 for course 2?  100
What was your grade on test 3 for course 2?  85
The average for course 1 is 25.0
The average for course 2 is 91.66666666666667
The highest average score is 91.66666666666667


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