  Craig Persiko
  CS 111A
  Solution to Practice Problem 3 - Muni Ridership Calculator
  Asks the user for survey data about Muni riders,
  and outputs a summary of that data.

import java.util.Scanner;

class PP3
  public static void main(String args[])
    String muni_name;
    int number_riders, num_days;
    double average_riders;
    Scanner keyIn = new Scanner (System.in);

    System.out.println("Welcome to the Muni Ridership Calculator.");
    System.out.print("Which Muni line did you survey?  ");
    muni_name = keyIn.nextLine();
    System.out.print("How many days did you survey ridership?  ");
    num_days = keyIn.nextInt();
    System.out.print("How many riders did you count?  ");
    number_riders = keyIn.nextInt();

    average_riders = number_riders/(double)num_days;
    // The cast to double above is necessary to get a decimal answer
    // (not one with the fractional part cut off)

    System.out.printf("According to your survey, an average of %,.2f"
         + " people\nrode the %s per day.\n", average_riders, muni_name);

Compilation and Sample Output on Fog Linux (just like Hills):

[cpersiko@fog cs111a]$ java PP3
Welcome to the Muni Ridership Calculator.
Which Muni line did you survey?  K-Ingleside
How many days did you survey ridership?  5
How many riders did you count?  123456
According to your survey, an average of 24,691.20 people
rode the K-Ingleside per day.
[cpersiko@fog cs111a]$ java PP3
Welcome to the Muni Ridership Calculator.
Which Muni line did you survey?  N-Judah
How many days did you survey ridership?  30
How many riders did you count?  25000                  
According to your survey, an average of 833.33 people
rode the N-Judah per day.
[cpersiko@fog cs111a]$ 


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