   CS 111A solution
   Craig Persiko's class

   This code is modfied from code provided with the Gaddis textbook.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class RectangleArea
   public static void main(String[] args)
      // Create a Scanner object for keyboard input.
      Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

      double length,    // The rectangle's length
             width,     // The rectangle's width
             area;      // The rectangle's area

      // Get the rectangle's length from the user.
      length = getLength();
      // Get the rectangle's width from the user, using the Scanner object that's already been created in Main.
      width = getWidth(keyboard);

      // Get the rectangle's area.
      area = getArea(length, width);

      // Display the rectangle data.
      displayData(length, width, area);
      The getLength method prompts the user for the rectangle's
      @return The value entered by the user.
   public static double getLength()
      Scanner consoleIn = new Scanner(System.in);
      double input;        // To hold keyboard input

      System.out.print("Enter the rectangle's length: ");
      input = consoleIn.nextDouble();
      return input;
      The getWidth method prompts the user for the rectangle's
      @param consoleIn A Scanner object to use for user input from the console.
      @return The value entered by the user.
   public static double getWidth(Scanner consoleIn)
      double input;        // To hold keyboard input

      System.out.print("Enter the rectangle's width: ");
      input = consoleIn.nextDouble();
      return input;

      The getArea method calculates a rectangle's area.
      @param length The rectangle's length.
      @param width The rectangle's width.
      @return The area of the rectangle.
   public static double getArea(double length, double width)
      return length * width;

      The displayData displays a rectanlge's length, width,
      and area, formatted with 1 digit after the decimal point.
      @param length The rectangle's length.
      @param width The rectangle's width.
      @param area The rectangle's area.
   public static void displayData(double length, double width,
                                  double area)
      System.out.printf("Length  = %.1f \nWidth = %.1f \nArea  = %.1f\n", 
                        length, width, area);

/* Sample Output:

[cpersiko@fog cs111a]$ java RectangleArea
Enter the rectangle's length: 5
Enter the rectangle's width: 10
Length  = 5.0 
Width = 10.0 
Area  = 50.0
[cpersiko@fog cs111a]$ java RectangleArea
Enter the rectangle's length: 1.25
Enter the rectangle's width: 3.25
Length  = 1.3 
Width = 3.3 
Area  = 4.1
[cpersiko@fog cs111a]$ 


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