CS 112D Lecture Notes - MSDE Basics and VS.NET Database Projects (Chapter 3 up to page 91 and Chapter 8)

Installing the MSDE (Chapter 3 up to p.91)

The Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) comes with some versions of Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET) and Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET). It is also available for free download from: The MSDE site on the MSDN. It is a simplified version of SQL Server, intended for small-scale development. Everything we do this semester can be done on the MSDE, but if you have a full-fledged installation of SQL Server version 7 or 2000, you can use that instead.

The MSDE is not installed by default when you install VS.NET. The VS installer merely copies the setup files for MSDE to a directory on your hard drive. Before using the MSDE, you must install it. By default, VS.NET setup places the files in

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Setup\MSDE
If you installed Visual Studio in another location, you'll have to look for the files there.

Run the setup program by double-clicking on Setup.exe. What you will see is a special install for the MSDE. It is different from the install program for SQL Server. It's very simple and quick (you may even wonder if it really did anything). After you restart the computer, the MSDE will be up and running, visible in the task bar. It can also be found via the following sequence of commands:
Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> MSSQL$VSdotNET

Database Projects in Visual Studio .NET (Chapter 8)

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