Programming Lab 5: Strongly-typed Customer DataSet with Filtering, due Thursday, 11/2

Objective: To write a program using a strongly-typed DataSet and filtering via a DataView

Here are the details and rules:

For 10% Extra Credit

Make the user's filter criteria apply to the currently-displayed data; so for example if the user changes the Filter Expression textbox in the screen above to contain "Amount > 200" and clicks "Apply Filter", they would see just one record: order ID 13822. To do this, you may have to change the grid's data source to only the Order table, thus changing its apperance and functionality. That's okay, as long as the user has a way to revert back to the original Customer view, maybe by clearing the Filter Criteria and clicking "Apply Filter" again. You can get partial extra credit for allowing some other way for the user to filter Order data as well as Customer data.

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