Craig Persiko's Links for Students
Here are some links to software and information I recommend for my students. Please
e-mail me if you
have others you think I should add to the list.
Sources of Information and Help
- a website with up-to date info on which CCSF courses
transfer to 4-year colleges in California.
- Homepage for the ACRC Computer Lab which includes
the schedule and skill list for the tutors that work there.
Python Information
- Google Colaboratory is a free web-based Python environment using Jupyter notebooks. That's what I use for my CS 110A class.
- is a good web-based IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
- You can install Python on your own computer by downloading it from:
- Python is already installed for you on, the CCSF Linux server where all CS students have an account. It only works for programs with a text (console) interface. You can access hills from any computer that is connected to the Internet.
- Python Tutor: goes step-by-step through code to help you understand it.
- Python Beginners guide
- Python for Non-Programmers: I highly recommend digging through this page if you are a total novice to programming and want more documentation
- Python Documentation
C++ Information
- For an easy way to get started with compiling and running programs, use
- If you want a full-feature IDE (Integrated Development Environment),
Eclipse is an excellent, free, open-source IDE for C++ and other languages. It even helps you
complete the commands you're typing, similar to Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET. Eclipse is already installed in the ACRC and Linux labs
- Here are directions to install g++ on Windows.
- offers Dev C++, a free C++ compiler you can
download, and their site has lots of other good resources too.
- Code::Blocks is an open source, cross platform, free C, C++ and Fortran IDE
- Another free C++ compiler for the PC is at
- is a web site with some good reference information on
Java Installation
- For an easy web-based Java development environment, I recommend You need to create an account to use it, but the free "Starter" account is all you need for CS 111B.
- To install a Java Development environment on your computer, use Oracle's Standard Edition (SE) Java Development Kit: Java SE 16. It
can be downloaded from Oracle
from here, free of charge. (Click on "JDK Download".)
- Mac users may find that Java is already installed - try running javac at the command line.
- If you want a full-feature IDE (Integrated Development Environment),
Eclipse is an excellent, free, open-source IDE for Java and other languages.
- Another IDE which is more simple to use, and good for learning, is
jGrasp, which you can download for free
- All of the above compilers are already installed on the CCSF Linux systems (Hills and the Linux desktop machines),
as well as the Windows systems in the ACRC.
Java Documentation and Help
- Java Tutor allows you to step through an entire program, both forward and backward, and see the stack frames and variables at each step.
- Technical Documentation for Java Standard
Edition - complete documentation of the Java language, including links to the following sections:
- The Java Tutorials - Have step-by-step
instructions for how to write Java programs.
- API Specification for Java Standard Edition 16.
The API is the standard class library of built-in Java classes to help
you develop your programs. This site documents exactly how to use the API.
- Getting Started with HTML - by the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C)
- W3Schools is a great resource for learning HTML and XML
- HTML Goodies
- HTML Code Tutorial
- HTML Kit is a free HTML editor a student recommended. He
said, "I find it very user-friendly, especially for beginners."
Terminal Emulators / SSH / Telnet (to connect to servers such as
- SSH Secure Shell Windows
client (Non-commercial version) - a feature-rich widows application that even has its own Secure FTP
companion. The above link is to download it directly from the CCSF Software Archives.
- PuTTY - a free terminal emulator
that supports both Telnet and SSH, color-codes its display, and allows you to scroll the display. SSH is
more secure than Telnet, so use it if you can.
- Fugu - a free terminal emulator for the Macintosh, which
supports SSH for greater security.
Text Editors for Writing Code
FTP (File Transfer) Programs
(to transfer files to/from servers such as
Compression Utilities (ZIP format)
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Last updated: 8/5/21 10:30am