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The politics of the 21st century

Lefties and Righties

Socialists are to the left of liberals. Most liberals are Democrats, although some have wandered over to the Green Party. Republicans are right-wingers. Most Republicans are conservative. What does conservative mean? Do they want to conserve the environment? Do they want to conserve the 2nd amendment? Do they want to conserve a woman's right to choose an abortion? Do they want to conserve a separation between church and state? Click here for Bill Gates.

Women and Men (Satire)

Women have been called dames, broads, chicks, and foxes. They are supposed to be good at nurturing, child-rearing, and catering to men. They always seem to lose their keys and they want their men to be macho, adventurous, brave, and handsome. They love hunks. Men are good in math and engineering and like the sport of one-upmanship. Men love sports and mowing lawns. They are good at fixing clogged drains, but they hate cleaning the bathroom. Click here for your San Francisco Giants!

Personal Responsibility

The name of the game is personal responsibility. That means that you just need to take care of yourself and not care about things like community involvement, poor people, or the obscene gap between the rich and poor in this country.

My Pharagraph

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g. fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents. Tutorials, books, mailing lists for users, etc. can be found on the “learning CSS” page. For background information on style sheets, see the Web style sheets page. Discussions about CSS are carried out on the (archived) www-style@w3.org mailing list and on comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets.
Egyszeruen csak láss - mert csak Te találhatod meg a boldogságod, csak Te teremtheted meg a biztonságod, csak Te láthatod meg az igazságod, csak Te élheted az Életed. Te. Senki más. Translating the Hungarian, it reads: Only you can find happiness, Only you create your oen security, only you can see your own truth, and only you can live you own life. No one else can!

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