Avenue of the Giants


“Avenue of the Giants” a 5-day trip to Northern California

The seed of the Redwood is no bigger than the head of a match, yet locked within it is the secret of immortality . Even though the oldest living things are the bristlecone pines in the California White Mountains (some as old as 4000 years) most of the redwood trees are not from seeds but grow out of the old tree itself (usually 2000 years old). No wonder they call them Sequoia sempervirens =ever-living Sequoia. The other Sequoia, the gigantium. They live in the Sierras andthey are the world largest living things (the biggest 6167 tons), but the tallest is still the coastal redwood. When you look up at one, you know that you’re in the presenceof something primal.

Our Expenses:
gas..........$ 60.00 Round trip from San Francisco and sightseeing about 900 mi. food......... 70.00 We usually ate once a day in a restaurant. lodging.... 53.00 Four nights in campgrounds (KOA and State Parks)1 misc........ 20.00 Entrance fees to museums, drinks, etc. _______ total:....... $203.00 2
Activities: 1 We left late Thursday afternoon going through Santa Rosa and Ukiah to Lake Mendocino. 2 Eel River and the “Avenue of the Giants “, Humboldt Redwood State Park. When you enter the Redwoods it feels like you’re in the time of the dinosaurus. 3 Agate Beach at Patrick’s Point, Hupa Indian Reservation, South Fork of theTrinity River, Samoa Cookhouse - great food! 4 Albion, Navarro River, Schooner’s Landing, Heritage House 5 Drove home on a very windy road3 .
Things we missed,yet it’s 100% that we’ll go back to do these things: 1 Most importantly, we left out the Redwood National Park at Orik. This is where the tallest tree in the world (368 ft.) is found. 2 The Roosevelt Elk in Prairie Creek Redwoods Park 3 The Yurok Indian Reservation 4 Sea kayaking at Van Domm State Park and Beach near Mendocino. 5 Rafting the Klamath
To see the Redwoods is mandatory, but as with any “trip,” it is a conceptual thing. Objectively, when you visit a place, nothing really happens. Subjectivelly however, we meet the existential symbol for the reality beyond time and space, and it changes us. Every trip I take is in fact a search for that reality. Dürckheim4 thinks that to seek out faraway places is the searh for unity. Recommendations: Swim in the South Fork of the Trinity River Watch the sunset on Samoa Dunes and eat at the Samoa Cookhouse Visit the Bowin Hotel on the Eel River. Unfortunately we didn’t stay there. Have breakfast at the Heritage House; it’s $20 for two but it’s worth it. Search for agates (semi-precious stones) at Patrick’s Point (above Eureka).