Element Dimensions

Background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text

This text is put in using "float" in the div which forces other text to "move over" and make room for it. the opposite of "float" is "clear"
background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text background text

First text first text first text first text first text first text first text first text first text first text first text first text first text

This text is shown in 80% of the div this text is shown in 80% of the div this text is shown in 80% of the div this text is shown in 80% of the div this text is shown in 80% of the div this text is shown in 80% of the div

This text is only 30% of the div windows width, and if there is more text than can be shown, then the DIV window gets scroll bars. This text is only 30% of the div windows width, and if there is more text than can be shown, then the DIV window gets scroll bars.