CNIT 133, CRN 36581, Sect 501

HW 0 - HTML5, CSS3


Link to my web page




HW 1 - Variable, Data Types

Click to change the text to red

HW 2 - Expression, Operators, Functions

HW 3 - Control Structure, if, for, for/in, while, do

HW 4 - Array, Object

Click the name to display details

Associative Array

Click the name to display Birthday


Array and Object

Click the button to display details

HW 5 - Product order form

ItemQuantityUnit PriceAmount
Product 1 $2.98
Product 2 $4.50
Product 3 $9.98
Total Amount Sold:

Product Order form with loop

Heading 1

HW 6 - Event Handling

Move the mouse to this text and see. Then move the mouse out of the text and see!!

Click Here
Text Box:

Move the mouse here

HW 7 - Form Validation

Text Data:
Number Data (4 digits):

HW 8 - Ajax

Data will be sent to PHP:

Data Returned from PHP:

HW 9 - jQuery

CNIT 133 Interactive Web Pages - JavaScript and AJAX

jQuery sample

HW 10 - Mobile web page (jQuery)

jQuery Mobile Web site

jQuery Mobile Collapsible block

jQuery Mobile Accordion