Which CCSF Health Education Program Is Right For You?
This questionnaire is a fun way to start thinking about which certificate program might be right for you. All answers are correct - they all give you more information about how the Health Education certificates might suit you.
Keep in mind, of course, that this is no substitute for meeting with a counselor and putting together an educational plan tailored to your needs and interests. New Students (those with less than 1 year of college) should call (415) 239-3296 to make an appointment or ask about drop-in hours. Continuing Students can call 415) 452-5235 for an appointment or drop by MUB 39 on the Mezzanine Level to see a counselor. (Drop-in appointments are usually shorter than ones you schedule in advance.)
More information about each of our certificates is also contained on this website, under the appropriate tab. And - don't forget to explore the other offerings of our department, including transferable courses in Women's Health, Men's Health, and other health and wellness topics. We also offer a two-year cohort program called Metro Academy of Health which helps students transfer more efficiently to a CSU - the application and information is on our website.
When you are done with the self-assessment, you can print out the PDF of questions & answers that is posted on the Health Ed website, for future reference, if you like.
Do you enjoy working with people one-on-one?
Does helping people overcome addiction or reduce their abuse of substances interest you, in particular?
How do you feel about working with youth?
Love it - I hope to work with youth or children in my job.
It's okay - I wouldn't mind it.
That's not the population that most interests me to work with.
If you like working with youth, which of these sounds best to you?
I would like to work with youth in schools and after-school programs. I am interested in kids from elementary school through high school.
I would like to work with youth who are experiencing challenges. I see myself working in a community-based organization or public agency helping troubled youth get back on track.
I already work with youth at a community agency. I am interested in gaining some specific skills to help me move ahead on the job.
Do you like having a broad basis of health knowledge, from which you can respond to a variety of health issues in the community?
Yes, that sounds like me.
Sometimes I like that.
Actually, there is one specific health issue I am passionate about.
Would you like to get a job focused on stopping the spread of HIV, Hepatitis, and other sexually-transmitted infections?
Yes, that's definitely something I want to do. I feel comfortable - or want to feel comfortable - talking to people about their sexual health.
That's one of my interests, but there are other health topics I am equally concerned about.
I wouldn't mind learning something about that, but I can't see myself working in that field.
Are you especially interested in mental health concerns?
Yes, that really interests me
Not really
Are you bilingual?
Yes, I'm completely fluent in at least one other language, in addition to English.
I speak another language in addition to English, well enough to talk with family or friends - I might not be fluent, though.
No, but I speak English really well!
Would you prefer to work in a hospital setting?
Yes, I like hospitals!
No, hospitals make me nervous.
I don't have a strong preference either way.
Would you like to explore more about possible certificates and careers?
Yes - tell me more about career and technical education at City College.
Yes - I want to see a broad range of careers in health and healthcare.
Yes - I want to know more about what kinds of jobs would suit my personality and skills.
Right now I am mostly interested in completing a degree at a 4-year university.