Online Chinese 1A
Class Syllabus

Instructor: Joyce Liou          


Office location:  R 205, Campus Mail Box R205

Office hours: Tuesday 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Phone number: 415-452-5555, Voice mail:415-338-3119

Course date: August 16, 2010 through December 19, 2010

Textbook and Workbook:   

Chinese Link: 中文天地 (Elementary Chinese) Traditional Character Version

By: Sue-mei Wu, Yueming Yu, Yanhui Zhang and Weizhong Tian

Published by: PEARSON Prentice Hall

bookcover image

Course Description:

This course is designed for online learners of Elementary Chinese - Mandarin. The students will learn all four skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The content of the course will cover phonetic system-Pinyin, basic sentence patterns, and basic vocabulary of standard Mandarin Chinese. 

Course Goals: 

When students have finished this course, they should be able to:


identify the basic sounds and tones of Mandarin in Pinyin System, and reproduce them as accurately as possible.


understand the principles of formation of Chinese characters, stroke order, and the comparison of full-form and simplified characters.


comprehend a conversation or a story composed chiefly of the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax studied.


analyze and synthesize the principles of syntax introduced in this level, and apply these principles when creating new sentences in both speaking and writing.


write a coherent paragraph of 100+ characters on topics studied.


Instruction in understanding, speaking and reading based on text materials.

Written assignments for each lesson (at least three hours per week).

Quizzes following each of the six lessons.

Mid-term and Final Examinations.

Language Center (Rosenberg Library Room 205):

Part of your homework involves practicing with audio tapes. You may use the tapes available in the Language Center or you can buy a set of tapes for Chinese 1A course in the CCSF bookstore. You should spend at least two hours per week in listening and practicing. (The Call # of the tapes are CH-01-S9-01 to CH-01-S9-8)       

The following software for Chinese 1A is available in the Language Center:

  Pinyin Master

  Cyber Chinese

  NJStar word processor

  Chinese & Characters

  How to Speak Mandarin

  Beginning Chinese

 Interactive Chinese

Grading policy:

  • Online Exercises
  • Work Book Written Exercises
  • Online Quizzes
  • Online Vocal Assignments
  • Midterm written exam
  • Midterm oral exam
  • Final written exam
  • Final oral exam


If you miss the class orientation on the first day without notifying the instructor in advance, you may be dropped from the class.
If you came to the class orientation and got the add code, but after two weeks you still not log in the class, you may be dropped from the class.
If you sign up for credit (CR) or no credit (NC) for your final grade,  you need to file it yourself and notify me by email.
If you want to have a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) the margin for the each letter grade will be: A = 90% and up, B = 80% and up, C = 70% and up, D = 60 %. Less than 60% will be considered as Fail.

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