Flame Robin (Petroica phoenicea) 23 July 2014. Point Cook Coastal Park, Point Cook, VIC, Australia
This is a male. Females lack the showy red "flame" colors. Although moderately common, the IUCN has upgraded this species to "near threatened" because of a 25 year overall population decline and range contraction. It is a highland breeding species that moves into the lowlands in the austral winter. Climate change has been suggested as a possible factor contributing to its decline. The Flame Robin is endemic to southeastern Australia. It belongs to the Petroicidae, a separate family (Australasian Robins) of uncertain affinities but unrelated to other "robins." Digiscoped with Panasonic DMC-LZ5 | Nikon FieldScope III | 30XWA | hand-held (no adapter) |