Ringed Kingfisher (Megaceryle torquata torquata) 12 August 2015. Pantanal--P. Jofre boat on Rio Cuiabá & tributaries, Mato Grosso, BR

This is the largest of the New World kingfishers. It ranges from southern Texas into southern South America. Since the 1960's it expanded its range in Texas where it was formerly rare. This is a male which has a chestnut-brown chest. Females are slate-gray across the chest. The genus was changed from Ceryle to Megaceryle by the AOU in 2007 based on genetic work which found a close relationship between the Ringed & Belted Kingfishers of the Americas and the Giant Kingfisher (M. maxima) of Africa. Evidently Megaceryle has priority. This is the widespread nominate race which has reduced spotting on its secondaries and undertail coverts. Two other races are found in the Caribbean and extreme southern South America.

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