Plain Pigeon (Patagioenas inornata inornata) 5 November 2015. Maria La Gorda, Pinar del Río, CU

This uncommon Greater Antillean endemic was formerly listed as endangered, but reforestation and conservation efforts have been somewhat successful and Birdlife International recently changed its status to "near threatened." They were much more common here than we anticipated. Note the light eye and faint whitish along the leading edge of the wing. Three subspecies are recognized by Clements with nominate on Cuba & Hispanola and others on Jamaica and Puerto Rico. However differences are slight and HBW, IOC & Howard & Moore all consider the species to be monotypic based on Banks (1986) However Pérez-Rivera (1990) considered it to be polytypic.

Miyamoto, M. M., Allard, M. W. and Moreno, J. A. (1994) Conservation genetics of the Plain Pigeon (Columba inornata) in Puerto Rico. Auk 111: 910-916.

Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
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