Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa spinosa) 26 January 2011, Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, Belize District, Belize.

I was happy to get a reasonably sharp photo of an adult. I photographed an immature two years ago in Costa Rica:

These long-toed birds were fairly common around the edge of the lagoon, but getting the toes and the head in focus at the same time proved tricky.

The correct pronunciation of this species remains unresolved.

My recommendation is to abandon this odious name entirely and call it "Lilly Trotter" or the more evocative "Lotus Bird."

These birds are polyandrous with females defending territories that may have multiple nests and multiple males who incubate the eggs and care for the young.

Three subspecies are recognized. This is the nominate southernmost mainland race which ranges from Belize to Panama and which is sometimes called the "Central American Jacana." However it differs from other races in minimally smaller size and the three named races are doubtfully valid.

Digiscoped with Panasonic DMC-LZ5 | Nikon FieldScope III | 30XWA | hand-held (no adapter)
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