Field Trip Checklists

These checklists are organized by page number in the National Geographic Field Guide 5th ed.   If you look up these birds in your field guide before attending each trip, it will make the trips more rewarding.  If you miss one or more trips, you should still familiarize yourself with these birds. You can always visit these areas on your own to try to find as many species as possible. Normally we will review some of the birds seen on each trip on the following evening class.

The dates of past trips are listed at the top.  These lists are cumulative so it is unlikely we will see all the birds in one trip.  Some extreme rarities from the past are unlikely to be seen again but we might see unexpected species which are not on these lists. Species in brackets are not truly wild, mostly birds escaped or released from captivity. Species seen on the most recent trip are marked with a and species in boldface were new additions to the composite list. These checklists will be updated after each trip.

In addition, if you can provide me your eBird Username via email, I will share field trip checklists with you. Then you can import them directly into your eBird account where you will have the option to edit the lists.