Music 27A, taught by Larry Ferrara

City College of San Francisco, Fall Semester, 2018

E-mail: Office MUB 60, ph: (415) 239-3856




The fall 2018 orientation will take place online within the Music Appreciation course. Your account will be made active on Monday, August 20th. Please login on then to become acquainted with the course layout, to build your profile, learn how to navigate the course, and be familiar with how to login to the live orientation online which will be held the evening of, Tuesday, August 21st, from 7:00-7:45pm

When you enter the online Music Appreciation orientation I will welcome you live, provide information and procedures on how to successfully complete the course, and go over the class logistics and requirements.

During the orientation I will answer any of your questions or concerns, explain the logistics of the class and discuss the responsibilities you will have while partaking the course.
If you have questions or class related concerns before the orientation you can e-mail me anytime between now and when the orientation starts and I will be happy to assist you. Many of these inquiries may be answered by the information below, here is the class e-mail address if you have questions about the course.




To login go to the Canvas login page, and enter your password and username by using your RAM ID.



Music Appreciation is an exploration in the materials and masterworks of great music, from Medieval Chant to Contemporary Popular styles. Students begin by studying the elements of music (pitch, melody, rhythm, harmony, form, etc.) then learn about the instruments of the orchestra and build a comprehensive vocabulary with which to understand and evaluate musical expression. From there, a survey of the continuum of musical history in Western Civilization will take place, from the Middle Ages through the present time. Along the way the student will become aware of musical form, the great works and composers of Classical music and in ultimately by the end become a better music listener.

The 22 web-lectures are embedded with over 90 audio examples. There are reading assignments, informative web-lectures, word scores, listening guides, critical thinking questions, and links to videos, and other resources on the Web. Music Appreciation, Mus-27A, also features a lively discussion board, and a weekly quizzes that will help you learn the material and prepare you for the midterm and final exam.



You will need to purchase a text for this course. It is called Listen to This, by Evan Bond
3rd edition, ISBN 978-0205978618 OR 2nd edition, ISBN 978-0205777365. Please acquire either the 2nd or 3rd edition of the text, either will do.

1.)  Listen to This, Third Edition 2014, ISBN 978-0205978618. OR  Listen to This, Second Edition by Mark Bonds, published by, Pearson, 2011, ISBN 978-0205777365

All of the audio for the course will be accessed or downloaded from both the CCSF Canvas page or the pages (they have the same downloads).

Only the text book Listen to This by Evan Bonds is required  (3rd or 2nd edition
hard copy). All the web-lectures, videos, word-scores, and listening requirements can be accessed from the CCSF Insight pages. Either the 2nd or 3rd edition of the text, Listen to This, will work with the course. You do NOT need the music lab that comes along with it (the lab is an option and NOT a requirement), and you do NOT need REVEL which is the online E-text.

How to obtain the text book:
One of the best ways to purchase the text is at the City College San Francisco bookstore. But you may wish to buy it online.

If you prefer online ordering you can obtain the text directly from the publisher, Pearson  Or, The Amazon site carries new as well as "gently used" books, which will save you some money, especially if you opt for the 2nd edition. Be aware that when you buy this book new or used you do NOT need the music lab that comes along with it (the lab is an option and NOT a requirement) or you do NOT need REVEL. Some generic online college bookstores also carry the text, i.e.

There are two formats to the text and either one will work. Here are your choices:

1) LISTEN TO THIS, by Evan Bond, 3/Edition, ISBN-978-0205978618,

2) LISTEN TO LISTEN TO THIS, by Evan Bond, 2/ Edition, Bound Book; ISBN: 9780205777365  (you can get used copies of this 2nd edition for cheap, and it will be fine for the course) 

The text book will be on reserve in the CCSF library, and the Media Center of Rosenberg Hall.


You can use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox, while Safari (which is a good browser, may have a few short comings) can be used for this course as well, I would recommend Google Chrome. The only other requirement is an mp3 player, and a video player which many computers already have installed in their operating system. If you don't have one, you can download it using this website:


There will by weekly Assignments for you to fulfill. This is achieved by both reading, listening, video viewing, following web lectures to corresponding weekly material, chapter readings and word-scores (music videos with streaming written explanation on form and content), and listening guides (similar to word-scores but no video). At the end of the week you will be asked to take two short chapter quizzes, a unit quiz, and also answer, and discuss a critical thinking question. To access the appropriate assignments for each week go to the weekly section or link of content labelled "Assignment." It will be dated for the current week, and you will be asked to work on the above content, and to complete it.

There will be weekly Quizzes with questions that will help you better understand the concepts and listening skills you will be learning and developing. To access the weekly quizzes, log into this course, go to the homepage of the class and look for a red check mark which indicates that the link will lead you to a test. The quizzes will be based on material you have been working on for that week such as reading the text, doing the listening, following the web-lectures, videos, listening guides, and word-scores. You will then precede to take the assigned quizzes, which will have listening identification, and questions on the musical terms and concepts.

There will be a weekly Discussion Forum with questions, projects, and discussions for you to participate in. To take part in these weekly discourses, log into the class homepage, go to the current dated section and look for the discussion forum board (marked with a small people icon) and then participate and fulfill the weekly critical thinking assignment. After you answer the question, also respond to another classmates contribution and engage in dialogue.

There will be a scheduled Live Discussion on certain occasions and especially before exams. To access the chat room, log into this course, and go the Review Session room.


Each segment of the website will coordinate the text book reading, the word-scores, web lectures, videos, and listening guides. Each weekly assignment will contain one unit of work that you will need to complete within the duration of 7 days – in other words – you will need to complete a set of quizzes, one week's worth of web-lectures, text book reading, word scores, listening guides, and a critical thinking question. Once you've visited, read and listened to that week’s units of web lectures, listening, word-scores, listening guides, and textbook reading you will then proceed to the corresponding quizzes and related discussion question.


You will need to take two chapter quizzes and one unit quiz (three total) with embedded listening questions for each weekly assignment. These are required for they are a way for you (and me) to make sure you are keeping up with the listening and the learning of the material in the course. The midterm and final exam is to be taken in person at City College of San Francisco’s Ocean/Phelan Campus. (see below for dates and times). The weekly quizzes will be recorded and graded. They are open book and or open computer. The weekly quizzes are in multiple choices, matching, or true and false format. Then, the in person midterm and final is closed book and closed notes.


The web-lectures, word scores, listening guides, and videos are embedded with sound files or mp3’s. These audio excerpts or complete pieces will help in your understanding of the genres, forms, terms, and instrument explanations you encounter in the course. You can either down the audio files to your computer and then open them later for study, or listen to the files directly from the server location, either from the Canvas music download  link or the website (they are the same). If you download the audio, you will have the excerpts or entire pieces for future reference and can hear them “off-line.” Still, course content, listening, and related assignments are located on the CCSF Insight page, and the best way to learn how to listen to music is by way of the content pages with accompanying  audio.

You need to do the equivalent of one hour of music listening a week in this course. The way you fulfill that requirement is by either downloading the files from the Music Appreciation website or from the Insight pages, or by repeated listening to the streaming audio examples available to you from the course website, the web-lectures, listening guides, videos, and downloadable mp3's. Your listening hours will be kept track when the instructor (me) tracks or follows the amount of time you spend listening to, following, or downloading the files from the Music Appreciation pages, and the time you spend listening during the weekly tests.

Listening Log - There will be many masterworks from the symphonic, and piano literature that will be studied and listened to in this course. You will be asked to keep track of your listening experience by keeping an ongoing listening log. This journal, and account of your listening experience should be kept up with each week. After listening to a particular work one or more times, you will write a short summary and put in your own words what you have heard. This will include any ideas, images, feelings, or thoughts that come to mind. You will summarize in the log what you heard by making a descriptive snapshot of your listening experience hearing the music.


Each week there will be a critical thinking question asked of you based on the unit of content, information, and listening material. These questions will formulate discussion threads in the class and are in addition to the weekly readings, web viewing, listening, and weekly quizzes,n required. These discussion forum questions will contain critical thinking inquiries about musical issues for you to consider. The questions are designed to make you think about what music is, and how it factors into each weeks learning material. The idea is to get you to think and listen to music within an intelligent and aesthetically process. There will be new questions each week for you to answer. You are expected to keep up with these questions by responding to the instructor's questions, as well as reaching out and reacting to other class members contributions.

To keep up with these questions you will have to contribute by the end of the semester a minimum of 15 postings and an additional 15 responses to other class member’s posts: Your discussion forum participation will be graded based on your answer to the question that the instructor poses. Also, commenting on another class member’s response to a question regarding a current or previous post will earn you additional points for each discussion question. Your participation will be rated and you will be asked similar questions during the midterm and final exams. I will read all of your posts and participate in most if not all of the current weekly discussions that move from Monday until Saturday. If you post your discussion forum response on a Sunday (no penalty), I will read and rate it and not necessarily give a written response. If you miss a week’s set of questions you can answer them from the previous week for partial credit, and I will read and grade your responses but not necessarily give a written reply to a late post.


During the course of the semester each student is assigned the writing of two music reviews of classical music concerts, chamber music, jazz, world music, ballet, choir or opera performances; These reviews are based on two attended live classical music performances. These 2 concert reviews are due at separate times throughout the semester. One of the reviews must be of classical music performance and one can be of a jazz concert. Both can be reviews of classical music concerts, and not two jazz concerts. So, either two classical reviews, or one classical, and one jazz. The first review is due by the midterm period and should be uploaded from the course homepage under the link titled, Concert Review Submission. The second review is due by the final exam due date.

You must include a program, ticket stub, or picture of the concert, along with your concert review(s). There will be a listing of free and fee recommended concerts for your  consideration on the Insight course homepage. One of the best resources for free classical music concerts held almost everyday of the week is the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 50 Oak St. (Van Ness at Market). More information on the Conservatory will be found on the course homepage.


Attendance in the class will be followed by: 1) how often you log into the course each week to do the work and experience the listening, 2) your weekly quiz performances, 3) weekly discussion forum participation, 4) showing up to take the midterm and final exam. 5) Attending three live concerts and then submitting reviews based on your experience at those concerts.

You are expected to log in and do the work each week. Each week you will have a new reading assignment, word scores, listening guides, web-lectures, audio, and a set of quizzes to take. In addition, also a new discussion forum to participate in. You will have only one week to complete the weekly readings, learn the web lectures, do the listening, take the quizzes, and answer and respond to the discussion forum question.

If you do not log into the course and do the work each week it will directly affect your grade because you will miss that weeks assignment. If you fail to log in and do the work for two weeks or 14 consecutive days your letter grade in the class will decline and your progress directly affected. If you miss three weeks of consecutive work (21 days of not logging in), you will be dropped from the class. Keeping up with the work continuously throughout the semester is the best way to ensure that you are learning the material in a steady way. Each weekly unit will build on previous concepts that you have learned. Therefore, regular attendance is essential. The course week will run from Monday until Sunday and new content will be updated each ensuing Monday.


You will be actively viewing, listening to and reading material on music in this course. The assignments, corresponding quizzes, and bulletin board bulletin board postings are specifically designed to teach you how to listen to music and help you prepare for the face-to-face midterm and final exam. The more you do them, the better you will understand the material and the better you will fare on the exams. Person to person contact will occur during the in-class midterm and final. The material on these tests will be based on content covered by the weekly quizzes, the weekly listening, web-lectures, listening guides, word scores, and text book reading. The midterm and final exam questions will be multiple choice, matching, true false or fill in/short essay format. The midterm and final will reflect how well you kept up with the class, website viewing, listening, discussing and textbook reading.

The following dates and times will be when the midterm and final exams will take place at City College of San Francisco, Ocean/Phelan campus. You only need to attend one midterm and one final exam. The two times are offered so that they may better match your schedule.

Midterm Exam: face-to-face, either Thursday,  October 18, 6:00-7:00 pm in the Mulit-Use Building (MLB) room TBA  OR Saturday,  October 20, 9:00-10:00 am in the Mulit-Use Building (MLB) room TBA. It won't be necessary to attend both sessions, instead one or the other. The Multi-Use Building is the newest CCSF structure. It is located on the west side of Phelan Ave. slightly south of Riordan High School and opposite the CCSF Science building.

Final Exam: face-to-face, either Thursday,  December 13, 6:00 pm in a room TBA  OR Saturday, December 15, 9:00 am in the new Mulit-Use Building (MLB) room TBA.


Your grade in this course will consist of:

Regular website viewing, listening and text book reading.

Partaking in weekly quizzes

Contributing  weekly to the forum discussions.

Handing in two live concert reviews (2 classical or 1 classical and 1 jazz).

Taking an in class midterm and final exam.


Logging in, participating, reading, listening,    20% of final grade

& taking weekly quizzes                                     

Discussion forum participation                          20% of final grade

Listening Log                                                     10% of final grade

Concert reviews                                                20% of final grade

Midterm and Final Exam                                   15% midterm + 15% final

Attendance                                                        Regular attendance is mandatory

             (see above for details)


As far as interaction is concerned-- the more the better! There are three different ways to communicate:

1) DIRECT E-MAIL (for private communications to Mr. Ferrara, Best used for “private” questions about registration, grades, problems, etc.

2) DISCUSSION FORUM (answering critical thinking questions that are placed each week ALL students can see; (not private)

3) LIVE CHAT: Before exams the discussion room will be utilized and material will be reviewed especially before the final exam.

4) The WELCOME PAGE contains information on how to use the course and other pertinent course information such grading policies, and exam dates.


5) The SYLLABUS PAGE contains an overview of the entire course, due dates, and will give you a list of the topics covered during the course.


6) ASSIGNMENTS contain text, web-lectures, listening, word scores, and other tasks with links to the weekly content pages, and every goal you will need to fulfill for that week's learning.


7) QUIZZES. You will have one week to complete the assigned quizzes and they will be replaced with newer quizzes subsequently, each new set of quizzes will be based on later course content. Remember, the concepts asked about on the quiz questions will help you greatly on the midterm and final exams.


8) The GLOSSARY PAGE gives you quick access to definitions to musical terms and words.


9) The LINKS PAGE takes you to other recommended music sites on the World Wide Web.

Music Appreciation