Today's Lesson
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  • English for All. Click on Visitor at the top. Do Episode 5 and Episode 6. Look at all the videos and do all the exercises.
  • Grammar--Comparisons.
  • Stories--Story List. Choose a story from the list, read it and do the exercises.
  • Conversations--Socializing. If you have extra time, choose 3 or 4 conversations to listen to and practice.

Old Lessons
April 8 English for All. Click on Visitor at the top. First, review Episode 2, paying attention to the use of future and past tenses. Then do Episode 3. Start with the Introduction and look at all the videos and do all the exercises.
Grammar--Going to.
March 11 Grammar--Scrambled Past Tense-1.
Listening--English Listening Lounge. Choose New Listeners under Choose a level. Choose Travel under Choose a topic. There are four passages in a list under Choose a passage. First choose a passage and click on the arrow to listen. Then click on Questions below the picture. See if you can answer the questions. You can listen to the passage many times. Then click on Transcript to read what was said and Q/A to check your answers. Then repeat the steps for the other three passages.
English for All--Episode 2, On Job Health and Safety. Click on Visitor at the top. Choose Episode 2. Start with the Introduction and look at all the videos and do all the exercises.
If you have time, do Side By Side 2B, Lesson 40. This is on your computer, but not on the Internet.
February 25 Listening--Work English. Listen to the introduction. Then click Next. Listen to the four stories and do all the exercises. Click on Home after you finish all the exercises for one story so you can choose another one.
Grammar--About, At, For or To.
Grammar--Assorted Questions.
Grammar--What's the Correct Word Order?
Grammar--I Need to Return This Radio.
Do Side By Side 2A, Lesson 29. This is on your computer, but not on the Internet.
February 11 Listening--Work English. Listen to the introduction. Then click Next. Listen to the four stories and do all the exercises. Click on Home after you finish all the exercises for one story so you can choose another one.
Grammar--About, At, For or To.
Grammar--Assorted Questions.
Grammar--What's the Correct Word Order?
Grammar--I Need to Return This Radio.
Do Side By Side 2A, Lesson 28. This is on your computer, but not on the Internet.
January 26 Reading--Mary and John.
Matching Quizzes--Adjective Opposites.
Proverbs--Quiz 1.
Proverbs--Quiz 2.
Grammar--A, An, The or Nothing.
Grammar--English Grammar Questions.
Do Side By Side 2A Unit 1. This is on your computer, but not on the Internet.