It Happened to Me

Example--Part 2

  • Next read Part 2.

The It Happened to Me stories are taken from small articles that were published in The Detroit News, a newspaper from Detroit, Michigan, in the early 1980's. The newspaper asked its readers to send in true stories of 250 words or less about something that happened to them. The stories could be humorous, strange, or thrilling. I adapted the stories a little and made two versions. The first one has less difficult vocabulary than the second one. I hope you enjoy reading them and doing the exercises.

  • Next choose the answer to the vocabulary question and see if you are right.

Vocabulary Questions

What does humorous mean?
1. Unusual
2. Funny
3. Common

  • Next click on Click here after you choose the answer to read a little more about the word.
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What does thrilling mean?
1. Very exciting.
2. Very boring.

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What does adapted mean?
1. Rewrote everything.
2. Changed something to match a different situation.
3. Finished.

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What does version mean?
1. one piece of something.
2. one form of something that is similar but not exactly the same as another form of the same thing.
3. an example.

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  • Next you will see a writing exercise. The teacher will tell you what to write and when to write it. You don't have to write anything for the example lesson.
