Write a Paragraph about Animals or the Environment.

I like animals like dogs and parrots. I have one dog and three parrots. Those are in my country. I can't have them in S.F. because I live in a small house and the dogs need to go out every day, and I don't have time. Americans treat pets differently than in my country because they pay more attention to them. I go to the zoo every week because I care for a girl and the zoo is fun for her and me. I like to watch giraffes, monkeys, tigers, and elephants.--Norma

I think that Americans treat pets the same as people in my country. They go to dog grooming salons with their animals like Americans. Often they have a dog or cat in the house like Americans. However, I like pets but I never had one because I don't have time to take care of one and in my country I lived in an apartment on the fourteenth floor. But someday I want to get a small dog. I like animals and I like to visit zoos but I never visited the San Francisco Zoo. I need to go there some day. I think zoos help endangered species.--Lis

Before, in my country people liked to eat all animals because cooks had many styles to cook them, but now people are saving endangered animals and if you went to eat or catch them it is against the law and you will get into trouble. If you like animals you can go to the zoo to visit them and go to see the endangered species.--Sam

The environment is a big problem in China. Now China is becoming stronger and stronger. At the same time, there are so many chemicals thrown away in the wrong places. Although the leaders in China have realized that we must protect the environment from pollution, there are still so many people who don't care about it. Now there are some new laws about the environment being made in China, so I think the environmental problem will not be a problem in China in the future. I hope my homeland can become a very beautiful, very clean, very developed country.--Bo

In Mexico people treat pets with care but some people sell pets. I think zoos help endangered species. In my country there is a big problem with the environment. One problem is the smog from cars and factories.--Antonio

I like animals but I hate to take care of them so I don't have any pets. I want to talk about an environmental problem that we have in my country. Actually, it is a big problem. It's the smog in Mexico City. We have had this problem for a long time because the government and the people aren't concerned about it. There are too many cars, old cars, too many factories, and few green areas. I think this problem will kill my city.--Felix

I like animals very much. I like dogs much more. I have a cat in my country. His name is Haydut (Bandit). He's about 11 months old. He is a very naughty cat. He likes eating cake. I like to play with him. When I was in Turkey, Bandit slept with me. I miss him very much.--Zeynep