Requesting a Letter of Recommendation From Dr. Harrison

I know how important letters of recommendation are, and I am always honored to have the opportunity to contribute in this way. Please read this page carefully because it has important information about requesting a letter of recommendation from me.

Before I will agree to write a letter of recommendation for you, you must meet all of the following criteria (no exceptions):

  • You have completed one of my 3 unit courses at CCSF or you are close to completing a course (i.e., you are within 2-3 weeks of the close of the semester). This means that if you are a new student to me, and I have only known you for part of one semester, I will not be able to write a letter for you. I recommend that you, instead, request a letter from a professor who knows you better at this time and/or think of me again in the future.
  • In the 3 unit course you have completed with me, you earned the final letter grade "A" or the final letter grade "B" in the course. If you are within 2-3 weeks of the close of a semester and have not yet earned a final grade, your current grade in the course must be at least a "B."
  • The deadline for your letter is in three weeks or more. In other words, if your letter is due in less than three weeks from your time of request, I will not be able to write the letter. You must give me at least three weeks to write it. I cannot consider any other requests.
  • The last time you were a student in one of my courses was within the past 5 years.

If you meet the above criteria and would like to request a letter of recommendation, send an email to In the subject line type "Letter of Recommendation."

In your email message, describe clearly what the letter is for (i.e., school, job, scholarship, etc.). Then list the following information:

  • Your full name (yes, even though I already know it)
  • Course taken with me and final grade
  • Letter due date
  • Addressee or recipient of the letter (specific name and address, please)
  • If applicable, volunteer work, internships, and/or jobs you have had
  • Any information about you that I might not know or remember that you would want me to mention (e.g., you are the first in your family to attend college, you are an honors student, etc.)
  • An email address you check regularly in case I have questions for you and so that I can contact you when the letter is complete.
  • Specific instructions from the school, job scholarship committee, etc. about what should be included in or the focus of the letter.
  • I will need pre-addressed stamped envelopes for each letter you are asking me to send. Sometimes a special form is required. If so, you will need to bring the form along with the envelopes to my office, Batmale Hall 334. I will likely not be in my office unless you stop by during a weekday morning. So, I suggest you bring the addressed and stamped envelopes and forms in a manilla envelope, write my name on the envelope, and slip the envelope under my office door.

When I receive your email request I will promptly respond via email once I determine that I can write the letter for you. If you meet the above outlined criteria and provide me with the requested information and preaddressed, stamped envelopes, I will be happy to write you a letter!