Connective Tissue

General Connective Tissue (CT)

  1. Loose (Areolar) Fibrous - Interlacing Fibers which allows movement
  2. Dense Fibrous - Interwoven, numerous collagenous fibers

    Special Connective Tissue

  3. Regular CT - Tendons / Parallel
  4. Elastic - Broad bands
  5. Adipose - Fat cells
  6. Reticular - Framework for lymphoid organs
  7. Mesenchyme - Embryonic CT composed of stellate cells and a ground substance of coagulable fluid
  8. Mucous CT - Jelly-like CT / in umbilical cord

Types of Fibers

  1. Collagen Fibers - Fibrils 1 to 12 microns long, polypeptides (proteins) / Flexible but strong, Strength due to interweaving
  2. Elastic Fibers - Highly refractive, albuminoid - Elastin
  3. Reticular Fibers - Primitive form of collagen fibers


Fibers are embedded in GROUND substance which is rich in:

Cell Types

  1. Fibroblasts - Form fibers
  2. Macrophages - Big eaters
  3. Mast cells - Heparin and histamine
  4. Plasma cells - Form antibodies
  5. Pigment cells - melanin
  6. Fat cells - Adipose tissue
  7. Blood cells - Red and white
  8. Bone cells - Osteoblasts
  9. Cartilage cells - Chondroblasts
Copyright © 1999 by M. J. Malachowski, Ph.D..

This page last updated: 2/15/99