
Study Questions Chapter 13,
M. J. Malachowski, Ph.D

Study Questions- Endocrine

  1. Compare and contrast:
    1. the endocrine system and the nervous system,
    2. Endocrine glands and exocrine glands
  2. What is meant by "target organ/competency"?
  3. List some steroid hormones.
    In general, how do steroid hormones exert their effects on their target cells.
  4. List some non-steroid hormones which exert their effects through cyclic AMP.
    Explain very generally how this works.
  5. What is the relationship between the hypothalamus and the:
    • hormones of the anterior pituitary?
    • posterior pituitary?
  6. Explain how the secretions of thyroid hormone is controlled by:
    1. Negative feedback to the anterior pituitary, and
    2. The hypothalamus.

    What factors might control or affect the hypothalamus?
  7. The rate at which hormones are released varies widely from gland to gland. Where would you find:
    1. Immediate release of hormone in response to an emergency?
    2. Hormones released in lunar cycles?
    3. A hormone which might never be released at all, even in a normal individual?
    4. Secretion rates which vary according to the time of life?
    5. Secretion rates which vary with the changing demands of daily metabolism?
  8. What is meant by "feedback control? What is the difference between positive and negative feedback? Give examples of each.
  9. What are prostaglandines?
    • What are they made from?
    • What are some of their effects?

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Updated 9/8/04 Miko Dr. Malachowski @ CCSFt