ESL 150 Section 9

Spring 2016


Course: ESL 150-Section 9-Advanced Academic ESL

Time and Location:  MW 12:10 Ð 2:00; F 12:10 Ð 1:25  ART 212

Instructor:  Nancy Husari  Office: Batmale 376    Phone: 452-7084



Office hours: M 2 Ð 3; W 2 Ð 3:30; F 9:30 - 10 and by appointment Prerequisite:  Passing grade of ÒCÓ in ESL 140 or placement by test.

Required Textbooks:  Writing Academic English 4th edition by Oshima;

Q Skills for Success 5 Reading and Writing by Caplan

Longman Advanced Dictionary of American English or another bookstyle dictionary.


Materials:  Standard, white lined paper (8 1/2 x 11 inches) or typing paper.

                    Yellow highlighter pen.  Three ring binder. Small vocabulary



Course Description: In ESL 150, students will continue developing the skills essential for academic reading and writing. In the area of writing, emphasis will be on essay-length writing.   Students will continue to practice organizational and prewriting techniques. You will rewrite and proofread essays. You will read and respond to other studentsÕ work. You will write four formal compositions (minimum of 500 words); some will be in more than one draft. You will also be asked to do shorter informal writing assignments for homework, including summaries of reading.  In addition, you will do at least three in-class essays (minimum 350 words). Late homework will be accepted for the following class session, but it will result in a lower grade; after one class session, late homework will not be accepted. Some assignments will not be accepted late at all.  You will work on grammatical exercises from your textbook and through error correction of student work. There will be quizzes and tests on grammar and reading.  Some might be surprise quizzes. You will do reading assignments from your textbook and some independent reading. You are required to spend one hour per week in the lab. Your grade for lab hours are part of your homework grade. In addition to your lab hours, you can expect to do at least ten hours of homework a week. Note: Save all tests, essays, rough drafts of essays and any other exercises.  Make a copy of any assignment before giving it to me.


Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:


A. Reading

1. Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of genres of authentic texts of moderate conceptual and/or linguistic complexity.

2. Practice reading extensive texts independently.

3. Demonstrate the ability to read critically to recognize and evaluate concepts, viewpoints, and methods of presentation.

4. Demonstrate the ability to read with increasing speed and efficiency by applying appropriate reading strategies.

5. Demonstrate the ability to read closely for textual clues to meaning.

6. Use library and other sources to locate and evaluate reading materials.


B. Writing

1. Plan, compose, organize and revise non-formulaic expository essays.

2. Integrate summaries of academic ideas, research and theories in essays or essay tests.

3. Apply academic ideas and theories to a sample or new context.

4. Demonstrate control of an expanding range of sentence structures and vocabulary.

5. Correct/edit written work.

6. Use grammatical structures taught in ESL 110/120/130/140/150 in written work.


C. Grammar and Vocabulary

1. Demonstrate comprehension and production of an expanding variety of noun phrases and clauses.

2. Demonstrate comprehension and production of the English verb system in various forms of discourse.

3. Demonstrate comprehension and production of conditional sentences to predict, persuade or hypothesize.

4. Use various structures and techniques to establish coherence.

5. Compose, develop and combine sentences to improve writing style.

6. Demonstrate an expanding range and control of vocabulary.

7. Use an English language dictionary in reading and writing.


D. Learning Strategies

1. Utilize effective learning strategies in academic contexts.

2. Utilize appropriate academic skills for specific tasks.Plagiarism:

Any student who copies work from another student, from a book, or from the Internet, will not receive credit for the assignment.  This is called plagiarism and it is not acceptable in American colleges.  You must do your own work.

Also, do not get help from friends and family.  If I receive work that seems to have been rewritten by someone other than the student, I will not accept it.



If a student is absent from more than six class sessions, the instructor has the right to drop him from the class or lower his final grade.  Attendance is taken at the beginning of class. Two lates=one absence. Leaving early will be counted as a Òlate.Ó  If you miss more than half of a class period, you will be marked absent for that day.  If you are absent, contact another student to get the assignment.  You are responsible for all work and information that you missed. There are no make-ups on quizzes, tests, or in-class writing.



You are allowed to "throw out" one grade before the midterm and one "throw out" grade between the midterm and final.

Exceptions:  You can not throw out any midterm or final test grades; you may only throw out one in-class writing test for the entire semester.  You can not throw out lab hour grades.  Lab hours are REQUIRED.


Support Services: There are many support services (tutors,etc.) on campus to help you with your writing.  We will talk about these services during the first two weeks of class.  Please contact these services if you feel you need extra help.


Policy: Cell phones must be turned off in class.  No food is allowed in class. No electronic devices, including electronic dictionaries, are allowed in class. 


Books: You must buy the books for the class.  No photocopies are allowed.  If you use a used book, the book must be clean, with all of the answers erased.




Midterm (15% of your final grade):                  

¥Essays,other homework, lab hours                       35%               

¥In-class writing                                                       35%                                                    ¥Quizzes and tests                        30%


Work in second half of the semester (65% of your final grade):

Same categories and percentages as the first half of the semester       


Final exam is 20% of your final grade.


Note: You also must have an overall average of 70% on all work AND an overall average of 70% on your in-class writing test scores in order to pass the class.

Please make an appointment to check on your progress at any time during the semester.


Important Dates:


2/2                   Last day to drop for 100% refund

2/5                   Last day to add

2/11                 Last day to drop with no grade or W

2/12 - 2/15       Holiday. No school

3/14 Ð 3/18      Midterm Week

3/28 Ð 4/ 1       Spring Break                                              

Th, 5/19           8AM Ð noon  Final Exam























It is a good idea to get the names, phone numbers, and email address of three of your classmates.




Phone: ________________________________________


Email: _________________________________________








Phone: ________________________________________


Email: _________________________________________



Name: _________________________________________


Phone: ________________________________________


Email: _________________________________________