ESSAY #4 ESL 150

Independent Reading

100 points


Writing Assignment:           Write 2 separate paragraphs

                                                150 – 200 words each paragraph=300 - 400 words total


Paragraph 1  Summary


You can begin this paragraph like this:

Title by Author is a genre (novel/book) about _________________________________.



The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver is a dramatic novel about an American family who move to the Belgian Congo in 1959 to work as missionaries.


¥ Identify main ideas .  The most important information is about the main characters and the plot (What happened?)
¥ Use what you know about finding main ideas from how we have reviewed articles in our reading book.  

¥ Use information from Unit 8 on Summarizing.

¥ Check CLAD for workshops on Summarizing.

¥  Here are some of my tips about summarizing.


1.  Include main ideas.


2.  DonÕt assume that your reader has read the book.


3.  DonÕt include unnecessary details.  (DonÕt make your summary too long.)


4.  DonÕt be vague and repetitive.  (DonÕt just fill up space.)


5.  Paraphrase correctly.  Use your own words.  DonÕt copy.


If you are reading a book of short stories, or you donÕt think you will be able to finish your book, see me. 


Paragraph 2 Response:  IÕll give you more information later about the response paragraph.


Final Draft Due Wednesday, May 18


Additional Drafts are recommended.  I recommend that you finish the summary paragraph as soon as you can and submit that as a draft.  Then repeat the process with your response paragraph.