Fees & Payments:


Enrollment Fees and applicable nonresident tuition fees are due and payable at the time of registration.  Cash, cashier's check, money orders, Online Payments, credit card, ATM or first-party personal checks will be accepted as payment.

You may pay Online, in person, by mail....


Online Payments:

You may pay your student fees using Online Payment Services.  Simply click the button "Pay Your Student Fees with Your Checking/Savings Account".   Payments made between 8:00 am and 3:30pm will be posted to your account the following business day.  Payments made after 3:30 pm will be posted in 2 days.   Payments made on Fridays or before bank holidays will be posted to your account  the next business day.  If you have any questions, please email us at Bursar@ccsf.edu


In Person/Mail address:

CCSF - Cashier's Office
50 Phelan Avenue - Smith Hall Rm #118
San Francisco, CA  94112 - 1821

Note: Cashier's Office is open Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm -Friday 8:00am - 4:00pmn - After hours: The payment Drop Box is located on the outside wall of Smith Hall Rm 118 (left side when facing the glass doors). (415)239-3733.  email us at Register@ccsf.edu

Registration fees:
Enrollment Fees $26.00 per unit
Nonresident Tuition  Fee  $144.00  per unit
International Tuition Fee   $153.00  per unit
Health Fees  $15.00  per semester

   Additional Fees:
Enrollment Refund process fee $10.00
Stars/WebSTARS user fee $3.00*

*charged once a semester during registration only