Arrows Vector vs Bitmaps Templates


  • Define Flash MX 2004 File Types
  • Define the Editor or Web Authoring Tool
  • Define Published Files
  • Define a Plug-In or Flash Player
  • Publish in Default Mode
  • Overview Publish Settings

A Flash Player (Plug-in) is required for viewing Flash Content on the Web.   Over 600 million Web users worldwide have a version of one of the players.  The latest Version for MX 2004 is 7 and it comes preinstalled on all new browsers shipped by AOL, CompuServe, Microsoft, and Netscape. 

Master File, Project File, The Editor, Web Authoring Tool: stores all the settings and assets for your project.  DOES NOT GET UPLOADED TO THE WEB
Published file, can be embedded in .html pages, not editable.  UPLOADS TO THE WEB
Hypertext Mark Up Language, Web page. UPLOADS TO THE WEB
Bitmap, can be animated, offers transparency
Bitmap, offers transparency
Projector File for PC, Create a CD-ROM, e-mail as an attachment, No Flash Player (Plug-in) or Web Browser Required.
Projector File Mac, Create a CD-ROM, e-mail as an attachment, No Flash Player (Plug-in) or Web Browser Required.
Publish as a QuickTime 5 movie (MOV).  The layers of the Flash MX 2004 file will be converted to what is called the "Flash track" within the QuickTime movie.
Flash Player
Latest Version for MX 2004 is 7. Required for viewing Flash Content on the Web, Plug-in