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CNIT 133 Online Course Advisory

  Course Advisory:

The course advisory for CNIT 133 is CNIT 132. This course advisory is that you already have a very good understanding of intermediate level HTML. If you do not, then I suggest that you register for one of my online sections of CNIT 132.

CNIT 133 is a demanding course and to be succesful, you will need to spend at least 5 hours per week reading the course material and doing the homework assignments. Students should already know how to upload web files to a web server, using software such as SSH File Transfer or Fugu. A rudimentary knowledge of Unix is a plus.

Not all students are well suited for the online enironment. A student in this online course needs to be a good problem solver, self-motivated, and be able to figure out most of their errors without any help. If you are the type of student who needs IMMEDIATE answers and/or feedback to your questions or problems, then the online environment will NOT address this need.

IMPORTANT: CNIT 133 is much more advanced than CNIT 132. Students who have never taken a programming class may run into significant difficulties with basic programming concepts in this course. The step between HTML and JavaScript is not just a significant one, it's a huge mental leap. HTML is a declarative language, e.g., use a large header, set up a table, use a line break between some text, etc. JavaScript is a full-blown, procedural programming language. Among other things, it requires the ability to think algorithmically and to generate algorithmic solutions to problems. You are taking tentative steps into serious geek territory. It's very hard work. Not everyone is cut out for it.