By Samantha
-Alemany Campus

Chinatown is one of the most popular and famous places, which attracts numbers of tourist from different parts of world. They always have a good time there.

The best seafood is found in the small shops, there are many good, relaxing, inexpensive restaurants. There is another reason to visit - for fun! You just wear a jacket to enjoy the lively scenery!

Chinatown has many attractions. No matter which angle you look at them from, they are always intriguing and colorful: the old building, the many kinds of shops.

At night, Chinatown is decorated with electric lights that it looks like Christmas trees. When you walk on the street, your heart will be caught by the beauty of Chinatown's night. The lights of Chinatown glimmer all the time. Their colors are white, red, yellow... just like many kinds of diamonds.

Chinatown is worth a visit and provides safe, fun activities for the whole family. Just take a lot of money with you to go!


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