to Computer VESL and Practical English on the Job

Dear Students,

Welcome to Computers and Vocational ESL & Practical English on the Job! In our class, we will work hard and learn a lot together.

An interesting job with a good salary and the opportunity to use your best skills is an important part of a happy life. I hope to help you find that job. So, I look forward to helping you:

When you finish this class, you will know more about

As you can see we have many things to do. To learn successfully, you need to attend class regularly, have some time to study at home and pay careful attention in class. Remember this class will help you most if you give yourself plenty of time to learn and practice.

We do not have a book for our class; you will make a book for this class as you finish all the lessons. You will need a binder with dividers and your floppy disk each day.

If you are absent,please call this room during class, 415-561-1883 to report you absence. Practice calling in sick on the job! Also call another student in class to find out about the lessons you miss.

Take responsibility for the lessons you miss when you are absent; you will learn much more.

Thank you for joining the class. Here we go!

Your teacher,


Last update: 8/6/2007 by Venette Cook.