Problem Set #2 � Problem 1
Use the equation for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion: vfinal2 = vinitial2 + 2a (xfinal - xinitial) Solve this for a.
You want to get the time required for the car to reach 90 mph.
Use the equation for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion:
vfinal = vinitial + at
Solve this for t. |
Problem Set #2 � Problem 2 This is a problem where considering the relative motion will be helpful. Box A and B have the same (constant) acceleration, a. Thus the acceleration of box A with respect to the acceleration of box B is 0. aA/B = 0 It follows that the velocity of box A relative to box B, vA/B, is constant. vA/B = delta xA/B / delta t = (30 - 18)ft / 1 sec = 12 ft/sec. (Note that the absolute velocities of A and B are not constant. However, the relative velocity is constant.)
The absolute velocity of box A can be found by using: vA = vB + vA/B At t = tR, vB = 0 and vA/B = 12. Plugging these into the equation gives: vA = 12ft/sec at t = tR.
Now use the equation for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion: vfinal = vinitial + at Considering block A at t = tR this becomes: 12 = 0 + a tR or 12 = a tR (equation 1)
This is one equation in two unknowns, a and tR. You need another equation in these same two unknowns. . Use the equation for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion: xfinal = xinitial + (vinitial) t + 1/2 a t2 Considering block A at t = tR this becomes: 18 = 0 + (0)tR + 1/2 a tR2 or 36 = a tR2 (equation 2)
equation 2 can be used with equation 1 to solve for a and tR
Problem Set #2 � Problem 3 This is a system with dependant motions. There are two motions but only one degree of freedom. You need to find the relationship between the positions and velocities of A, B, C and D.
Part a) To want to get vA. Use the idea that the length of the entire pulley cord is constant. You should be able to show that xB + (xB - xA) + (-xA) + (-xA) = constant or
2xB -
3xA =
constant go to the bottom of this page for an explanation of "The Conservation of String".)
Differentiating this
relationship between the positions 2vB - 3vA = 0
vB is given so this can be solved for vA.
Part b) You want to get vC. Use the idea that the length of the pulley cord between points E and C is constant. This gives: xB + xB - xC = constant Differentiating gives: 2vB - vC = 0 vB is given so this can be solved for vC.
Part c) You want to get vD. Use the idea that the length of the pulley cord between points A and D is constant. This gives: -xA - xD = constant Differentiating gives: -vA - vD = 0 vA is known so this can be solved for vD.
Part d) You want to get the velocity of C relative to A. This can
be found from the relative velocity equation:
Problem Set #2 � Problem 4 This is another system with dependant motions. There are three motions but only two degrees of freedom. You need to find the relationship between the positions, velocities and accelerations of A, B and C.
Part a) Using the idea that the length of the pulley cord is constant gives this equation: 2xA + xB - 4xC = constant Differentiating this gives: 2vA + vB - 4vC = 0 2aA + aB - 4aC = 0 Solving this last equation for aC gives: aC = 0.5 aA + 0.25 aB (equation 1) aA is given so you need to find aB in order to solve this for aC.
Since it is given that block B moves with constant acceleration, you can use the equation for uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion: vfinal2 = vinitial2 + 2a (xfinal - xinitial) Plugging into this equation allows you to solve for aB.
Now you can solve equation 1 for aC (as a function of t).
Part b) You want to find the distance C moves in 3 seconds. You need to find xC and vC as functions of time, xC(t) and vC(t). Since you have aC as a function of t this is very straightforward. You just need to integrate using the initial conditions. (i.e. at t = 0, vC = 0 and xC = 0)
But be careful! The distance traveled from t=0 to t=3sec is
not necessarily the position, x(t), at t=3sec. You need to determine if the velocity ever changed directions. i.e. was there ever a time when v = 0? In this case the answer is yes and it occurs at t = 0.707 sec.
Hence the distance traveled by C in 3 seconds is given by: |x(3) - x(0.707)| + |x(0.707) - x(0)|
"The Conservation of String" Explained What follows here is an explanation of how the relationships between xA, xB, xC and xD in Problem 3 were obtained.
For Part a of this problem you need to do is this:
1. Define the x position coordinate for each block, xA and xB. I chose the datum (origin) to be the wall on the left
2. Divide the length of the cord into sections. first section is from point E to where it first touches the pulley on block B second section is from this point to other side (so it is a half circle) third section is from this point to the point where it first touches the pulley of block A fourth section is from this point to other side (another half circle) fifth section is from this point to the point where is first touches the pulley on the wall sixth section is from this point to the other side (another half circle) seventh section is from this point to the point on block A where the cord attaches
3. Now represent each section in terms of xA and xB. first section is just equal to xB second, fourth and sixths sections are all just
constants third section is equal to (xB - xA) fifth section is equal to (c5 - xA) seventh section is basically just like the fifth: (c7 - xA)
4. Add up all of these sections and set equal to the total length of the cord, Ctotal. xB + c2 + (xB - xA) + c4 + (c5 - xA) + c6 + (c7 - xA) = Ctotal
5. Put all of the constants on the same side.
6. You should get 2xB - 3xA = constant
I noticed in the solutions for this set, the line right
above this equation has an error.
For parts b and c you need to define xC and an xD and go through the same procedure except only take the length of cord to the points C and D respectively.