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File Systems: Part 3 -- Mounting


This chapter discusses file systems in Linux.


The below commands are done on a stand alone Debian Linux system and not on Hills. We do not have permission to run these types of commands on hills; nor do we have access to the actual physical system to place a flash drive on it. We know that the mounting associates a folder with a file system that is a device in the "/dev" folder. The associated folder is usually empty and if it's not then it's contents are overlaid with the device contents. We use the 2 commands "mount" and "umount" to connect and disconnect the device. What does it mean that the non-empty folder's contents are overlaid. It means they are not lost. It's just that after mounting the user will see the contents of the device rather than the folder. Let's try this with an example:
ajay@ajkumar08-PC:~$ df
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev              946364       0    946364   0% /dev
tmpfs             192844    1416    191428   1% /run
/dev/sda1      151741000 5554408 138405780   4% /
tmpfs             964212       0    964212   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               5120       4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs             192840     940    191900   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdc1       15519752      24  14721932   1% /home/ajay/flash

Unount the flash drive.
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay# umount /dev/sdc1

root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay# cd flash
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# ls
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# mkdir mine
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# cd mine
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash/mine# date > test.txt
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash/mine# ls
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash/mine# cd ..
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# ls

The "home/ajay/flash" is not empty . It has a folder called "mine" with a file
"test.txt" on it.

Mount the flash drive.
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# mount /dev/sdc1  /home/ajay/flash

root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay# cd flash
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# ls

Now the contents of "/home/ajay/flash" show the contents of the flash drive.

Create a folder on it along with a file.
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# mkdir folder_on_flash
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# cd folder_on_flash/
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash/folder_on_flash# date > test1.txt
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash/folder_on_flash# cd ..
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# ls
folder_on_flash  lost+found

Now we unmount it and see that the original folder contents are still there.

root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay# umount /dev/sdc1
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay# cd flash
root@ajkumar08-PC:/home/ajay/flash# ls

The "mount" command by itself will show the mounted devices. This information is also there in the file "/etc/mtab" . But how can this be ? What if we mount something new device ? We can't have a static file with just the information after a boot. If do a ls -l on this file we get the output:
[amittal@hills etc]$ ls -l mtab
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 19 May  4  2021 mtab -> ../proc/self/mounts
We see from above that it is a shortcut to the folder "proc" which we know is the virtual file system. The format of the mount command is:
mount [ -t type ] [ -o mountoptions ] { device | -L label | -U uuid | dir } [ dir ]
Let's mount the flash drive using it's label instead of the device name.
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# mount -L FLASH_1  /home/ajay/flash
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# df
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev              946364       0    946364   0% /dev
tmpfs             192844    1424    191420   1% /run
/dev/sda1      151741000 5554460 138405728   4% /
tmpfs             964212       0    964212   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               5120       4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs             192840     940    191900   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdc1       15519752      32  14721924   1% /home/ajay/flash


To help us with the mounting process there is a file called "/etc/fstab" . This has entries that contains information about the mounting points so we don't have to give all the information in the mount command. Each row consists of 6 columns: We are going to add an entry in the file "/etc/fstab" for our flash drive.
LABEL=FLASH_1 /home/ajay/flash ext4 defaults 0 0

Now we mount the flash drive.

root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# mount -L "FLASH_1"

Check whether the flash drive got mounted.
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# df
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev              946176       0    946176   0% /dev
tmpfs             192808    1420    191388   1% /run
/dev/sda1      151741000 4249012 139711176   3% /
tmpfs             964028       0    964028   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               5120       4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs             192804     136    192668   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdb1       30013380      24  28463432   1% /home/ajay/FLASH

Notice we only specified the label. The mount point was obtained by "mount" from the fstab file. Examples of mount commands if the missing information exists in the fstab file:
mount /dev/sdb1      --By device name
mount -L /FLASG_1    --By label
mount -U 4b2f66e2-6034-4011-b2b7-4c87653014b3  --By UID
mount /usr          --By the mount point
Recall the mount command has the below options.

mount options

mount [ -t type ] [ -o mountoptions ] { device | -L label | -U uuid | dir } [ dir ]
In addition to the above we can have:
-a  automount all filesystems indicated as automount (auto) in the fstab. This can be combined with -t type to automount only filesystems of type type

We have seen how to use the labels to mount. The UUID is used in a
similar manner.

-L label mount the filesystem with this label. (The label can be used instead of the device file.)
-U UUID mount the filesystem with this uuid.
We can give the command "mount -a" to automatically mount all the entries in the fstab file. An entry can have the word "noauto" in the options column if it is desired that the entry is not automatically mounted. The "-o" lists options that are comma separated and sometimes specific to the file system. The "fstab" also has a column for options.
defaults  this is the defaults set. It contains at least:
rw suid dev exec auto  nouser  async
rw --read write
suid -- Honor set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits or file capabilities
           when executing programs from this filesystem.
dev --  Interpret character or block special devices on the
exec -- Permit execution of binaries and other executable files.
auto -- Filesystem should be mounted automatically.
nouser -- Forbid an ordinary user to mount the filesystem.
async -- All I/O to the filesystem should be done asynchronously.

Some of the other options are:
ro / rw  mount the filesystem read-only or read-write (rw is the default)
remount  the filesystem is already mounted. Change its mount parameters as
         indicated here and leave it mounted. You cannot change the mount point
         with remount, only the options. remount is used most frequently to
         toggle between the ro and rw option of a filesystem.

auto / noauto (when used in the fstab) indicates whether filesystem should be
        mounted automatically when the system is started (in response to mount -a).

exec / noexec  whether to allow the execution of programs on this filesystem.
         It has been suggested that this option be turned on for public temporary
         filesystems (/tmp). This is discussed in a later section.

suid / nosuid  whether to allow the set-user-id bit to have effect on programs
       executed from this filesystem. Again, this is a good idea to turn on
       for public temporary filesystems (/tmp). This is discussed in a
       later section.

dev / nodev  whether device files should be honored on this filesystem.
       The nodev option should be on for all filesystems except the
       root (and perhaps /boot) filesystem.

acl / noacl  (ext filesystems only) whether access-control-lists should be
      effective on this filesystem.

user  whether a non-privileged user can mount this filesystem. Once mounted,
      only that user can umount it.

users  whether a non-privileged user can mount and umount this filesystem.
       Any user can mount it, and any user can unmount it.

loop  mount using the loop device.

sb=n  (ext filesystems only) ignore the default superblock, instead using the
           superblock at block n. Warning:  The  block number  here  is in 1k  blocks,
           so, depending on your filesystem's blocksize, you may have to
           translate from the block numbers of the duplicate superblocks
           output by mkfs . (To find out where the spare superblocks are
           on your filesystem, as well as the blocksize the filesystem was
           created with, use mke2fs -n.)

barrier/nobarrier This disables / enables the use of write barriers in the
           journaling code. barrier=none disables, barrier=flush enables

bind/rbind can be used to remount all or part of a mounted filesystem in a
        second location.
The "man mount" page contains documentation about all the options. These same options are used in the "fstab" file. The "mkfs" utility for formatting will also have it's own set of options.
Mounting an ISO file
An ISO file is an exact copy of an entire optical disk such as a CD, DVD, or Blu-ray archived into a single file. It can be mounted with the following command:

# mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop myiso.iso /mnt/iso
In the above the file is named "myiso.iso" and we give the options "ro" and "loop". A loop device is a pseudo-device that makes a file accessible as a block device. Loop devices are often used for CD ISO images and floppy disc images. Mounting a file containing a filesystem via such a loop mount makes the files within that filesystem accessible.

We may encounter a message of the form "target is busy" when trying to unmount a filesystem. This can happen if a file in that system is being used by a process. Example:
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# umount /dev
umount: /dev: target is busy.
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# lsof /dev
systemd       1             root    0u   CHR     1,3      0t0    4 /dev/null
systemd       1             root    1u   CHR     1,3      0t0    4 /dev/null
systemd       1             root    2u   CHR     1,3      0t0    4 /dev/null
systemd       1             root    3w   CHR    1,11      0t0   10 /dev/kmsg
systemd       1             root   27r   CHR  10,235      0t0  334 /dev/autofs
The command "lsof" will list all the processes using the file system. It's possible to kill those processes and then unmount the system. However we can see from the output above that the root process is using this filesystem and we cannot kill the root process as that will bring down the system. The "lsof" command will look in the sub folders also for any file that is being used.
The FD column has a number denoting the file descriptor and the letters "r,w" or "u".
The letters indicate how the file was opened.
r for read access
w for write access
u for read and write access

We can also have the following options for this field:
           cwd  current working directory;
           Lnn  library references (AIX);
           err  FD information error (see NAME column);
           jld  jail directory (FreeBSD);
           ltx  shared library text (code and data);
           Mxx  hex memory-mapped type number xx.
           m86  DOS Merge mapped file;
           mem  memory-mapped file;
           mmap memory-mapped device;
           pd   parent directory;
           rtd  root directory;
           tr   kernel trace file (OpenBSD);
           txt  program text (code and data);
           v86  VP/ix mapped file;

Another utility that we can use is "fuser".
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# fuser /dev
/dev:                   21rc
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# fuser /dev/null
/dev/null:               1   222   254   261   407   409   410
411   412   415        416   417   419   421   422   438   478   483
490   578   667   796   965       1157  1168  1169  1183  1184  1186
1191  1195  1200  1203  1217  1225  1230  12
The utility needs the full path ( it will not do a recursive search ). For the first command the "/dev" does not yield any results. However with "/dev/null" yields the process id's. We can also use the "-v" option for verbose and "-m" option tp show the users.
root@ajkumar08-PC:/etc# fuser -v -m /dev/
                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/dev/null:           root     kernel swap  /dev/sda5
                     root     kernel mount /dev
                     root          1 F.... systemd

The access letter "F" indicates that a file is open. The letter "c" indicates a directory is open. The values can be: The "fuser" also has a "-k" option to kill the process using the particular file system. This should be done manually rather than using this option or if we are using this option then we should use the "-i" ( interactive ) option so that the processes are not killed indiscriminately. Let use see how the "-k" option can be used. We will work with a simple c program.

File: 1.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
   int num;
   FILE *fptr;

   // use appropriate location if you are using MacOS or Linux
   fptr = fopen("1.txt","w");

   if(fptr == NULL)

   sleep( 300 ) ; 
   fclose( fptr ) ; 

This program opens a file "1.txt" for writing and then waits 300 seconds and then closes the file. It basically has a lock on the file for 5 minutes. We place this in the "temp" folder on the hills server home folder. In my case that is "/users/amittal/temp" but it could be any folder in your home director.
[amittal@hills temp]$ gcc 1.c
[amittal@hills temp]$ cd ..

[amittal@hills ~]$ temp/a.out &
[1] 3614561
[amittal@hills ~]$ fuser -m /users/amittal/temp
/users/amittal/temp: 3614455c 3614561ce
[amittal@hills ~]$ ps -aef | grep "3614455"
amittal  3614455 3614454  0 08:24 pts/0    00:00:00 -bash
amittal  3614561 3614455  0 08:26 pts/0    00:00:00 temp/a.out
amittal  3614604 3614455  0 08:27 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -aef
amittal  3614605 3614455  0 08:27 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 3614455
[amittal@hills ~]$ fuser -mki /users/amittal/temp
/users/amittal/temp: 3614455c 3614561ce
Kill process 3614455 ? (y/N) N
Kill process 3614561 ? (y/N) y
[1]+  Killed                  temp/a.out
We compile this program with the command "gcc 1.c" and that produces the executable "a.out" . We run this program in the background and a process id of 3614561 is assigned to it. We then run "fuser" with the "-m" specifying the directory ( we could have also used the file system itself "/users/amittal" ) . This shows 2 processes that are using this file system. One is the "a.out" and the other is the bash shell that we opened in Putty. We then run "fuser" with the "-k" option and kill the "a.out" program that was sleeping.
Removable Devices
A daemon( background process) usually handles the insertion, removal of removable devices like the flash drive to mount the device. This can be something like "/mnt" or "/media" folder. If for some reason that doesn't happen then we have to use the mount command manually.
Finding filesystems

This will look through all filesystems whether mounted or unmounted.

root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# /sbin/findfs LABEL=FLASH_1

This will also search through all filesystems whether mounted or unmounted.

root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# /sbin/blkid --label FLASH_1

This will through the mounted file systems by default but can also search .

root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# df
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev              946176       0    946176   0% /dev
tmpfs             192808    1440    191368   1% /run
/dev/sda1      151741000 4501028 139459160   4% /
tmpfs             964028       0    964028   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               5120       4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs             192804     132    192672   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdb1       30013380      48  28463408   1% /home/ajay/FLASH
root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# umount /dev/sdb1
root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# man findmnt
root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# findmnt /home/ajay/FLASH

An entry still exists in the "fstab" file and we can search for that.

root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# findmnt --fstab /home/ajay/FLASH
/home/ajay/FLASH LABEL=FLASH_1 ext4   defaults

The "-t" option can be used to look for filesystems of
a particular type.

root@ajkumar08-PC:/mnt# findmnt -t ext4
/                  /dev/sda1 ext4   rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro
+-/home/ajay/FLASH /dev/sdb1 ext4   rw,relatime

TO DO Use the findmnt to find all the filesystem on the hills
server with type = "xfs" .