
CNIT-135B Homework Assignments

Homework Subject Matter Due Date Done Notes & Difficulties
HW1 Create a Home Page 09/07/03 * Buttons
HW2 Create HomeWork Page 09/14/03 * Tables
HW3 Graphics(thumbnail images,dynamic text/interlaced gifs) 09/21/03 * Photoshop
HW4 Animation, Sound & Video 09/30/03 ** Partial credit
Better than no credit
HW5 Image Maps - client-site image map 10/07/03 * Paint Shop Pro
HW6 Tables: simple & complex tabels 10/14/03 * colspan/rowspan give me a break
HW7 Frames, standard frames and inline frames 10/21/03 * What is this inline????
HW8 Style Sheets - embeded, linked and inline 10/31/03 * CSS has syntax?!
HW9 Forms - feedback form and guestbook11/08/03 * I'll try the guestbook in #10
HW10 CGI(Common Gateway Interface) Scripts/
PERL(Practical Extraction and Report Language)/
also some SSI's (Server-Side Includes)
11/16/03 * Sorry about the
HW11 Javascripts and Java Applets11/30/03    
HW12 Dynamic HTML - ActiveX 12/14/03    
HW13 Email Encryption 12/17/03