sections in this module City College of San Francisco - CS260A
Unix/Linux System Administration

Module: Permitting Privileged Operations I
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Tracking root Logins

root is inherantly anonymous. If you are the only user with root access, you do not have to worry about this. On systems where multiple users must have the root password, you must ask a question: How much do I trust them? If you are responsible for the integrity of your system you may want to try to at least maintain some accountability. This means at least you would like some record to be made of who became root just before a system event occurred.

Although the measures suggested in this section help, a sophisticated user with root access can disable or circumvent most of them. They are intended to help you track problems or to have some record of who might be responsible when mistakes occur. In addition, because they limit access to root from outside, they will lessen (slightly) exposure of your system to hackers. They will not guard against a malicious user to whom you have given the root password, however.

Improving root accountability is best provided through judicious use of sudo, which can provide root privileges to specific commands, and which can log specific commands executed as root. When direct root logins are allowed, however, the only tracking mechanism is who logged in as root at what time. In order to provide this minimal accounting trail, several configuration changes must be made:

  1. authentication messages must be logged remotely. If the log entry of who became root at what time is placed solely on the local machine, the root user can easily modify it, even to make it appear that you were the culprit. The only defense against this is to log events to a remote system with a different root password. We will cover this technique later when we cover the rsyslog program.

  2. If the user's identity is unknown when they use su, the log entry is meaningless. Thus, the existence of a guest account on your system can be used to bypass tracking. Any open anonymous accounts should be removed. If they cannot be removed, they should be jailed or at least placed in a restrictive SELinux environment (where they do not have access to su).

  3. direct root logins must be disabled. This forces users to login to a regular account, then to use su to become root. If the only access they have to the machine is via their personal account, this, when used in conjunction with the previous two techniques, allows you to track who became root at what time.

Disabling direct root logins

If a user is allowed to login directly as root, it is impossible to know who they really are. The only possibility of tracking rests on forcing each user to use the su command to gain root privileges, after logging in as a normal user. In this case a record is made of the change in user in the system log. 

You'd think this would be easy - simply indicate somewhere that direct root logins are not allowed, and that's it. This may indeed be possible using PAM, but the author is not yet an expert in this technique. Instead we will attack the problem by configuring each of the pathways that can lead to authentication to disable directly logging in as root.

Traditionally, all authentications on the system were done via one mechanism, login. Today, unfortunately, several programs can begin authentication depending on where you login from:

PermitRootLogin no

to /etc/ssh/sshd_config. In this file, all the default options appear commented out with their default settings. If you modify the PermitRootLogin option, make sure you uncomment it. 

You can even go further and configure sshd to only allow certain users to connect. This is specified by the AllowUsers or DenyUsers directives. If you want to allow only certain users, simple add an AllowUsers directive with a space-separated list of users. Only those users will be allowed to connect. Alternately, if you want to allow all users except certain ones, use the DenyUsers directive. The list can even specify which host(s) they can connect from. See sshd_config(5)

After you change sshd_config you must restart the sshd server using service sshd restart (6.5) or systemctl restart sshd (7)


to the graphical display manager gdm. The configuration file is in the [security] section of

/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf       (RHEL 4)
/etc/gdm/custom.conf         (RHEL 5)

If your version of gdm is PAM-aware (as they are on both 6.5 and 7), you must disable direct root login using PAM.

    1. If the file does not exist, all virtual consoles are considered 'secure', and root logins are permitted on any virtual console. (A console that is running a dumb terminal.)

    2. If the file exists, only the  devices of virtual consoles that appear in it are considered 'secure'. For example, if /dev/tty1 is considered 'secure', a line in /etc/securetty that simply has tty1 starting in column #1 will permit root logins on that console whenever it has a dumb terminal running on it. Normally, the securetty file has all the possible [uncommented] device names for virtual consoles listed in it, thus allowing direct root logins on any of them. To disable direct root logins, simply comment out all of the lines.

      You can tell which consoles are active by examining the the ACTIVE_CONSOLES parameter in the file /etc/sysconfig/init. For example, if the line is


Consoles 1-6 are active. One or more of these consoles will be allocated to XWindows as needed, usually beginning with console #1 (for the first X user). The others will have dumb terminals running on them. You can switch to one of the consoles by typing cntl-alt-FN where FN is the function key corresponding to terminal N. If console #2, for example, has a dumb terminal running on it,direct  root login will be allowed on it if and only if the following line appears in /etc/securetty


Whether the securetty file is honored is determined by your PAM configuration. Look for securetty in the /etc/pam.d/login file.

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