sections in this module City College of San Francisco - CS260A
Unix/Linux System Administration

Module: Virtual Machines
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Introduction to Virtual Machines

Virtualization, even when limited to the KVM virtualization system, as we will do in this class, is a big topic. We begin by covering the basics of using and cloning VMs assuming:

Later we will cover the installation of virtualization software and of the virtual machines (VMs) themselves. Although we will begin discussing one commandline utility for controlling VMs in this section, we will only scratch the surface of that work.

In our discussion of VMs, the VM refers to the virtual machine itself. The host refers to the physical machine that hosts the VM (that the VM is running on). Hence, the virtual machine manager (virt-manager) runs on the host.

Whenever VMs are running they use a significant slice of the host's memory. We will discuss soon how to set a VM to ensure that it is suspended and restarted with the host, but you must limit such use to a few VMs per student. Any other temporary VMs must be shutdown when you are finished.

Virtualization files

On the host, a VM consists of two parts

When the VM is started, the XML file is used to create the virtual hardware and the image file is used to boot the system.

The XML files reside beneath /etc/libvirt/qemu. Feel free to examine them [XML files are, of course, text, but they are only readable by root] and see what they include. The files are quite small (a few pages at most).

The image files reside in /var/lib/libvirt/images. You can list this directory (as root), but the files are binary so they cannot be examined. These files are huge, since they are disk images. A normal size for a linux VM is 6-20GB. VMs of other operating systems are much larger. Because of this, storage for image files must be allocated elsewhere, as, on a well-configured host, the /var partition is rather small. The simplest solution here is to replace /var/lib/libvirt/images with a symlink to a separate [large] partition. This should be done before VMs are created. It also requires some SELinux labeling, which we will discuss in the advanced topics, time-permitting. SELinux is discussed in more detail in the cs260p course.

Using the GUI

The simplest way to control and access VMs is using the virtual machine manager virt-manager. The easiest way to launch it is from a root shell (although on RH6 it appears in the Applications->System Tools menu). (Note: the first time virt-manager is started it may take a few minutes to connect. Be patient.)

# virt-manager

virt-manager panel showing bs machine active

Using virt-manager you can start a VM by selecting it and clicking the button that looks like 'play' (do not start any VMs with the word master in their name. They are only for cloning!). Once it is running you can control it by

The virtual machine manager, of course, has its own configuration. These can be viewed in virt-manager's Edit->Connection Details menu. Of special importance here are the virtual networks. These are the network(s) the VMs "see".

Getting a VM

To get a VM you have a few choices:

Cloning a VM

Cloning a VM is very easy. Simply make sure the master VM is shut down, then right-click on it in virt-manager and choose Clone. Rename your VM. The default settings should be fine. (Remember, any RAM you take for the VM comes from the host. Our hosts currently have about 12GiB. If each VM takes about 1GiB average, this maxes out at about 8 VMs running per host, and there are up to three classes that use VMs! )

cloning a VM in the virt-manager GUI

Once your VM is cloned, start it and login. It has the same root password as the original and the same student login.

Fixing RH6 clones

Note: this is not an issue with RH7 VMs - the network interface is correct.

If you clone a RH6 VM, there is one issue you should resolve. Although the cloned VM should work fine, unfortunately, the network interface information is not always consistent and may require fixing. This is because the configuration files are not always updated to match the new interface and may need editing. Let's take a look at the output of a newly-cloned RH 6.5 VM's ifconfig information and a listing of the files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts that should match.

$ cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
$ ls ifcfg*
ifcfg-eth0   ifcfg-lo

$ ifconfig
eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3E:C4:31:BF 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fec4:31bf/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:160 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:41 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:18066 (17.6 KiB)  TX bytes:5842 (5.7 KiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:480 (480.0 b)  TX bytes:480 (480.0 b)

As you see, the files in the network-scripts directory do not match the output of ifconfig. (The configuration files indicate the interface is eth0, while the output of ifconfig indicates eth1.) Further, both interfaces will show up in the Network Connections control panel:

network connections control panel showing new eth1
        and bogus eth0 interfaces

This inconsistency will not be a problem unless you rely on the network command-line tools such as restarting the network with service network restart. I don't know what the correct way is to resolve this, but the following technique works using the GUI control panel (either from the console or when ssh-forwarded, if you already know how to do that). DO THIS CAREFULLY!
  1. open the Network Connections control panel. You will see the two interfaces
  2. delete the eth0 interface
  3. edit the eth1 interface and click Apply to save the current configuration. Close the control panel.
  4. in the directory /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, rename the file ifcfg-Auto_eth1 to ifcfg-eth1. (You could also edit the file carefully and delete the word Auto from the NAME parameter for consistency, but this is not necessary.)
If you do not have a GUI, you can do this at the commandline easily by:
  1. running the command ifconfig and copying the hardware address from it
  2. in the directory /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, rename the file ifcfg-eth0 to ifcfg-eth1. Then edit it to change the NAME of the interface (eth0 to eth1) and the hardware address to the one you copied.

After these changes the network can be restarted using the service network restart command.

Shutting down a VM

The best way to shut down a VM is on the VM itself. To do this, either login the the VM, become root, and execute the poweroff command or use the menu option at the GUI (under the power button icon in the right-most menu for RH7 VMs when logged on, or under the power button in the upper-right of the GUI when you are not logged on.)

You can supposedly shut down a VM from virt-manager as well, but, if your VM is running a GUI, this doesn't work consistently. Assuming your VM is not busy, it is pretty safe to Force off your VM instead. This is essentially the same as pulling the power cord (hence the reference above to 'the best way'!) Note: never Force a VM off when it is updating!

Deleting a VM

From time to time you will need to delete a VM. This is easy using virt-manager, just shutdown the VM (in this case, just Force off, since you are deleting it anyway), then select the delete option in virt-manager's context menu. Make sure the box to remove the storage file is checked.

Fairly often, the storage for the VM will not remove correctly and you will get an error about this. The best solution is to simply remove the image file by hand as root using the path shown in the error message. You should always ensure that the image file is removed. They are big files (15GiB) and can quickly fill up the filesystem.

The bs server

Each linux host should have a single VM pre-installed named bs. (This stands for "basic server", but I'm sure the name is easy to remember.) It should always be running. bs provides lots of services for the classes on that host that use VMs. In particular at this introductory stage it provides the installation source and kickstart files for installing virtual machines. This means the installation of a VM occurs without adding network traffic - very nice when everyone is installing VMs at once!

You will be provided with the unprivileged account password on the basic server VM. Remember, it is used by all classes that use VMs. Even though each class has its own virtual network, bs serves all of them. (It is multi-homed.) Make sure you don't shut it down.

A few extra hints

There are a few strange issues that get students stuck when they first use VMs. Hopefully this section will help you avoid the worst pitfalls:

part of VM menubar showing fullscreen zoom icon

Once you are zoomed to fullscreen, there is no obvious way to get out of it. Move your cursor to the top middle of the screen (there is a slight white line there) and a small menu will pop up with the 'return to a window' icon:

popup window with 'go back to window' icon

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Copyright 2016 Greg Boyd - All Rights Reserved. See section contents for copyright restrictions.